
  • 网络Saving Bond
  1. 近年来,凭证式国债在财政筹资过程中一直承担着主渠道的作用,但也存在一些缺陷,储蓄国债是针对这些不足而推出的又一次金融创新。

    In recent years , certificate bond has been undertaking the main channel function in the financial fund raising process , but it al-so has some flaws .

  2. 关于储蓄类国债的发行前景分析

    Analyze Prospect of Publication of Savings National Debt

  3. 影响我国国债发行规模的最重要因素是居民储蓄、GDP、国债还本付息额和财政赤字。

    The most important factor that influences the size of public debt is dweller 's savings , GDP , repayment of capital and interest of public debt , financial deficit .

  4. “储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息,免纳个人所得税”

    " Interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state , shall be exempted from individual income tax "

  5. 甚至为储户存款作担保的联邦储蓄与贷款保险公司本身也已无力清偿债务。储蓄存款利息,国债和国家发行的金融债券利息;

    The FSLIC , which insured depositors ' money , itself became insolvent . interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state ;