
  • 网络Guaranteed Bond
  1. 而在退出这样一项庞大的刺激计划时,需要周密规划方能保证债券市场的稳定性。

    Exiting such a large stimulus would need careful planning to keep the bond market stable .

  2. 对中小企业集合债券进行增信操作是保证债券成功发行的关键环节。

    It is one of the key measures to ensure the success issue of a collective bond of small and medium enterprise by increasing the credit of it .

  3. 新的基金将保证债券持有人得到偿付,同时如果希腊未能满足严苛的新改革要求,用于支撑希腊政府运行的剩余资金将被截留。

    The new fund would then ensure that bondholders are paid off , while additional cash to run the Greek government could be withheld if Athens did not live up to tough new reform demands .

  4. 因此,它们无法向债券持有人保证:债券到期时有足够的流动性用于偿付。

    As a result , they cannot guarantee to the bondholders that they will always have the necessary liquidity to pay out the bond at maturity .

  5. 流动性的提高不仅有助于保证整个债券市场的正常运行,还有利于提高资源配置和经济增长。

    Advance of liquidity not only help the whole financial market to run normally , but also is in favor of improving resource allocation and economic rising .

  6. 债券保险制度有效的保证了债券市场的稳定发展,对金融制度的监管和深化金融体制改革起到了重要的作用。

    An increase of bond insurance credit rating bond issues , to effectively guarantee the stable development of the bond market , the regulation of the financial system and deepen the financial system played an important role in .

  7. 奥斯本的任务是旨在减少赤字的加税和减少公共开支,以保证英国在债券市场的信用。

    His task then was to fashion a deficit-reduction plan of tax increases and spending cuts to reassure bond markets of Britain 's creditworthiness .

  8. 投资者对于没有保证的公司债券的主要担心在于,不论现在的评级有多高,一旦发生对发行人产生严重影响的事件,评级机构将调低其评级。

    A major concern investors have about unsecured corporate bonds , no matter how highly rated , is that the rating agencies will downgrade them because of some disruptive event affecting the issuer .

  9. 与此同时,谁也不敢保证新的欧元债券就能吸引到足够多的投资者来为赎回注资。

    Meanwhile , there is no guarantee that the new Eurobonds would attract enough investors to fund the buybacks .

  10. 当奥巴马在访问日本期间时,这一点也许并不会有多明显,但鸠山面临着选民另一个更加迫切需要得到保证的方面:债券市场。

    It may not feel like it while Mr Obama is in town , but Mr Hatoyama has an even more powerful constituency demanding reassurance : the bond market .

  11. 但是二人均否认了联合发行信用保证“欧元共同债券”这一提议,而很多政治家和分析家认为这是将欧元拉离深渊的唯一方法。

    But one idea was notably absent : jointly guaranteed " Eurobonds ", which a number of politicians and analysts say are the only way to dig the euro out of its hole .