
  • 网络Retained Earnings;retained earning;earnings retained
  1. 一家公司的期末保留盈余代表什麽?

    What does a firm 's ending balance of Retained Earnings represent ?

  2. 损益及保留盈余合并表

    Combined statement of income and retained earnings

  3. 预期损益与实际损益比较表损益及保留盈余合并表

    Comparative statement of actual and estimated profit and loss combined statement of income and retained earnings

  4. 为什么期末保留盈余余额不等于资产负债表中的期末现金余额?

    Why does Ending Retained Earnings Balance not equal Ending Cash Balance on the Balance Sheet ?

  5. 你不可能既保留本国盈余,又不必为他国的赤字提供融资。

    You cannot keep your surpluses and fail to finance others ' deficits , one way or the other .