
  • 网络Paul Allen
  1. 他和保罗·艾伦完成了阿尔泰电脑的BASIC语言编译器后,

    After he and Paul Allen had completed their BASIC interpreter for the Altair ,

  2. 文章赞扬了保罗·艾伦和比尔·盖茨开发了牵牛星的BASIC代码。

    The article inspires Paul Allen and Bill Gates to develop a BASIC Interpreter for the Altair .

  3. 比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦看了那一期杂志后,就开始研发用于阿尔泰的BASIC语言版本。

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen read the magazine and started working on a version of BASIC , an easy-to-use programming language , for the Altair .

  4. 保罗·艾伦成为MITS的软件开发主任。

    Paul Allen joins MITS as director of Software Development .

  5. Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg),微软(Microsoft)的保罗·艾伦(PaulAllen)和比尔·盖茨(BillGates),还有苹果公司(Apple)的史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(SteveWozniak)和史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)——这些成功故事让一些人认为伟大的创意是年轻人的专利。

    Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook , Paul Allen and Bill Gates with Microsoft , Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with Apple AAPL + 1.42 % ─ those success stories lead some people to think that coming up with big ideas is a young person 's game .

  6. 30年前,我和朋友保罗·艾伦创办微软时,

    When my friend Paul Allen and I started Microsoft 30 years ago ,

  7. 我和保罗·艾伦开创微软时

    When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft ,

  8. 微软公司的合伙创办人保罗·艾伦排在第三位,他的资产净增10亿美元,增至220亿美元。

    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen held third place , with his net worth rising billion to billion .

  9. 他表示,“看到保罗·艾伦的梦想成为现实”非常振奋人心。

    He said it was inspiring " to see Paul Allen 's dream come to life . "

  10. 但比尔和他的合作伙伴保罗·艾伦在创建微软时,充分借鉴了他们学到的经验教训。

    But Bill and his partner Paul Allen put the lessons they 'd learned to good use when they created Microsoft .

  11. 1975年,盖茨与他的朋友兼生意伙伴保罗·艾伦一起创建了微软——世界上最大的软件公司。

    Gates founded Microsoft , the largest software company in the world in 1975 alongside his friend and business partner , Paul Allen .

  12. 盖茨于1973年秋季进入哈佛大学学习,两年后辍学,与童年好友保罗·艾伦共同创办了微软公司。

    Gates entered Harvard in the fall of1973 , only to drop out two years later to found Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen .

  13. 盖茨与保罗·艾伦在1975年一起创办了微软公司,盖茨在2000年之前一直担任微软首席执行官,此后他逐渐减少了对公司运营的参与。

    Gates was Microsoft 's CEO until 2000 and since then has gradually his involvement in the company he started with Paul Allen in 1975 .

  14. 开启微软创建者比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦人生事业的“个人电脑之父”,亨利·爱德华·罗伯茨逝世,享年68岁。

    The " father of the personal computer " who kick-started the careers of Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen has died at the age of68 .

  15. 比尔·盖茨当即就着了迷——他那时最要好的朋友坎特——他那时最要好的朋友坎特·埃文斯和另一名长他两岁的学生保罗·艾伦也是如此。

    Bill Gates was immediately hooked - so was his best friend at the time , Kent Evans , and another student , Paul Allen , who was two years older than Bill .

  16. 比尔·盖茨当即就着了迷他那时最要好的朋友坎特他那时最要好的朋友坎特·埃文斯和另一名长他两岁的学生保罗·艾伦也是如此。

    Bill Gates was immediately hooked & so was his best friend at the time , Kent Evans , and another student , Paul Allen , who was two years older than Bill .

  17. 比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦抓住了机会,他们将早期的个人电脑变成了时代的突破&“牵牛星”需要软件,它需要一个执行有价值运算任务的程序语言。

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen seized the opportunity to transform this early PC into a breakthrough & the Altair needed software , a programming language that could make it perform useful computing tasks .

  18. 由已故(微软联合创始人)保罗·艾伦设计的巨型飞机——Stratolaunch(平流层发射)于周六首飞,成为有史以来凭借翼展飞上天空的最大的飞机。

    Stratolaunch , the massive aircraft dreamed up by the late Paul Allen , flew for the first time on Saturday , becoming the largest plane by wingspan ever to take to the skies .

  19. 你每十年回来一次,建筑物就越来越多,其中比较明显的是在那头,法兰克·盖瑞为保罗·艾伦所建造的音乐体验博物馆,真的非常醒目,还有那座塔。

    You come back every decade and thereare more and more buildings , and noticeably Frank Gehry built the EMP Museumfor Paul Allen over there , which really stands out , and the tower .

  20. 保罗·艾伦,艾伦·莫斯克,理查德·布兰森,杰夫·贝佐斯,安萨里家族,他们现在资助俄罗斯的亚轨道航行,鲍勃·比洛奇,一个私人空间站,和卡马克。

    Paul Allen , Elan Musk , Richard Branson , Jeff Bezos , the Ansari family , which is now funding the Russians ' sub-orbital thing , Bob Bigelow , a private space station , and Carmack .

  21. 保罗·艾伦的平流层发射系统公司,构建一个庞大的飞机作为机载火箭发射平台,上月宣布它正在考虑购买一个追梦者号较小的版本。

    Paul Allen 's Strato launch Systems , which is building a massive airplane to serve as an airborne rocket-launching platform , announced last month it is considering buying a smaller version of Dream Chaser for commercial passenger spaceflights .

  22. 盖茨在学校遇见了保罗·艾伦——微软的另一位创始人。他俩成功修改了学校的课程表,这样盖茨便可以和“可爱女生”同班上课。最后他从哈佛大学辍学,年仅19岁就创立了自己的公司。

    Gates met Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen at school - the pair managed to rig the school 's schedule so Gates could sit near the ' nice girls ' in class - and he eventually dropped out of Harvard to set up the company when he was just 19 .

  23. 30年前,我和朋友保罗·艾伦开办微软的时候,我们有一个构想。那就是“每家每个桌子上都有一台电脑”。那时候大部分电脑和冰箱一样大,所以可能这个想法听起来有些太乐观了。

    When my friend Paul Allen and I started Microsoft 30 years ago , we had a vision of " a computer on every desk and in every home , " which probably sounded a little too optimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators .