
  • 网络Bill Hewlett;Bill Hewlet;BIL HEWLLET;BI HEW ETT;BILHEWLLET
  1. 当时他在电话簿上查到了惠普的创始人比尔·休利特(BillHewlett)的号码,并给他打电话,想要得到一些零部件。

    and he was able to look up Bill Hewlett , the founder of HP , in the phone book and call him to get parts .

  2. 这场发展的根基还要回溯到1938年,当时戴维·帕卡德和他的新婚妻子搬进了帕洛奥图的一座公寓,很快他的朋友比尔·休利特也在这座公寓的一个小屋里安顿了下来。

    Its roots stretched back to 1938 , when David Packard and his new wife moved into a house in Palo Alto that had a shed where his friend Bill Hewlett was soon ensconced .