
  • 网络stored-value card;stored value card;Cards;Gift Card;Stored - Value Card
  1. 储值卡收费系统在广西高速公路中的应用

    The Application of Stored-value Card Toll Collection System in Highways of Guangxi

  2. 一种名为易泊卡的新储值卡,已在一九九八年四月推出,供驾车人士使用于电子停车收费表。

    A new stored value card , called e-PARK card , was introduced in April for use on electronic parking meters .

  3. 很多人运用电话储值卡(如神州行)。

    Many people use pre-paid mobile phone cards .

  4. 基于储值卡的货币风险及其监管

    Currency risk and supervision of stored-card

  5. 对储值卡水表预付费系统数据安全性的探讨

    Probe of data safety of value storing card water meter prepaid system value of the reply paid voucher

  6. 随着电子支付的迅速发展,基于储值卡的支付也随之出现。

    With the rapid development of electronic payment , the payment has emerged based on the stored value card .

  7. 电信储值卡系统交易中间件的设计实现

    The Design and Realization of the Exchanging Middle Ware of the Second Section of Credit Card Project of the Telecom

  8. 无论何时你拿出储值卡或者信用卡,你都很可能冲动消费,买一些你不是非得买的东西。

    Anytime you carry your ATM card or credit card you may be tempted to buy items on promotion which you might not need .

  9. 近年来随着电子支付逐渐为人们所接受,成为支付行业的主流,储值卡这一新型支付模式也走入了人们的视线,成为大家日常生活中必不可少的一种电子支付工具。

    As the electronic payment being the mainstream of the payments industry , stored-value cards have gradually become an indispensable daily electronic payment instruments now .

  10. 文章介绍了智能卡诈骗犯罪的犯罪途径,即主要通过信用卡、透支卡和储值卡实施犯罪。

    This article introduces the crime methods of intelligent card swindling crime : that is to commit crimes through credit cards , overdraft cards and savings cards .

  11. 储值卡形式日趋多样化,不仅成为商家提前回笼资金,争取客户的主要手段,还因其使用方便等特性受到了消费者的青睐。

    It not only becomes the primary means of fighting for customers and financing , but also more and more consumers favor the convenience of the cards .

  12. 不过,今天的演讲时间有限,所以我想集中讨论网上的电子货币,至于储值卡货币的问题,则不作论述。

    Today , however , I want to devote the limited time available to talking about electronic money within the Internet itself , so I shall not be discussing card-based money any further .

  13. 本文从基于储值卡的货币成为通货的条件出发,将储值卡货币进行分类,然后分析了其风险以及对中央银行的影响,最后提出了监管对策。

    Based on the condition that money stored in the stored-card has become the currency , the author classifies the stored-card currency , then analyzes the risks to the central hank , as well as the final regulatory measures .

  14. 根据不同的标准,将电子货币划分为不同的种类,其中最常见的分类方式为,根据业务功能,电子货币可分为信用卡类、储值卡型、存款汇兑型和现金模拟型电子货币。

    According to different standards , electronic money is divided into different types , the most common classification is , according to business functions , electronic money can be divided into Credit Card type , stored value cards type , Exchange-type deposits and simulation model Cash .

  15. 你是否将全部现金储值在会员卡?

    You stored value in the membership card all cash ?