
  • 网络Principal protection
  1. 购买保本股票券既有债券的本金保障的安全,又有获得与股票市场相应的收益的好处。对于股票投资者来说,保本股票券的明显好处是本金的安全保证。

    Convertible bonds provide the investors with the security of bonds , and the big gain from stock market .

  2. 通常,对利息与本金的保障不大,因此,无论未来景气好坏,均无法收到良好的保护。

    Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate , and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future .

  3. 尽管往往通过国有银行发售(银行充当中介并据此收取费用),但如果第三方发行人遇到财务困难,投资者并无收回本金的保障。

    Though often sold through state banks , which collect fees for acting as intermediaries , there is no guarantee that investors will get their money back if the third-party issuer has financial difficulties .

  4. 结构性理财产品是固定收益与衍生品的结合,投资于固定证券部分的资金为投资本金提供了保障;另一方面,衍生品部分的高杠杆性又使赚得高收益成为可能。

    Structured financial products are combinated by fixed income and derivatives , investment has provided a guarantee for the capital invested in the fixed part of the funds in securities ; the other hand , part of the highly leveraged derivatives may earn high income .

  5. 而且,与已保险银行存款不同,你的本金投资是没有保障的。

    And unlike insured bank deposits , there is no guarantee of your principal investment .