
běn jīn
  • principal;capital;seed money
本金 [běn jīn]
  • (1) [capital;principal]

  • (2) 存入银行或贷与他人以带来利息的钱

  • (3) 指经营工商业或其他事业的资本

本金[běn jīn]
  1. 常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。

    With a conventional repayment mortgage , the repayments consist of both capital and interest .

  2. “僵尸负债人”是指无法偿还贷款本金,只能偿还利息费用的人。

    Zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the capital of the loan , and whose repayments2 only service the interest charge .

  3. 例句我得从亲朋好友那里筹集一些开书店所需要的本金。

    I need some seed money from my family and friends to open my book shop .

  4. portlet显示一个表单,它让用户提交本金、利率和年数。

    The portlet displays a form which lets the user submit principal , interest rate , and number of years .

  5. 这家公司表示,在这些所谓的本金交易中,大部分都符合2013年12月份颁布的《沃尔克规则》(VolckerRule)的要求。

    Goldman says much of these so-called principal transactions will still be allowed after the Volcker rule , which was finalized in December .

  6. 无本金交割远期外汇交易(Non-deliverableForwards,简称NDF)本质上是一种对未来价值进行定价的衍生品合约。

    Non-deliverable forwards – or NDFs – are essentially a derivatives contract pricing future values .

  7. 但在欧洲的计划中,唯一的后盾是EFSF的本金。

    But under the European plan , the only backstop is the principal in the EFSF .

  8. 无本金交割远期(NDF)市场体现的贬值幅度更大&尽管这是一个并不完美的指标。

    The non-deliverable forwards market is pricing in more depreciation , although this is an imperfect indicator .

  9. 评为Caa级的债券属于较差的债券,可能处于违约的状态,或显现出将危害本金与利息之因素。

    Such issues may be in default or there may exist present elements of danger with respect to principal or interest .

  10. 这意味着,购买了cds来防范任何重组的银行和投资者,将不会因投资希腊债券发生的到期利息或本金亏损而获得赔偿。

    This means that the banks and investors who had bought CDs protection against any restructuring would receive nothing in recompense for any losses in interest due or principal invested in Greek bonds .

  11. 周四,人民币无本金交割远期(NDF)价格出现了8个月以来的最大升幅&NDF在海外交易,可以反应出市场对于人民币未来升值的预期。

    Renminbi non-deliverable forwards , which are traded offshore and reflect market expectations of future appreciation , jumped the most in eight months on Thursday .

  12. 交易员们警告,除了升值预期以外,NDF价格还受一系列因素的影响,而影响越来越大的是规模虽小、但正迅速发展的人民币离岸有本金交割远期(DF)市场。

    Traders caution that NDF prices reflect a range of factors besides appreciation expectations , and are increasingly being influenced by the small but fast-growing offshore market in deliverable renminbi forwards .

  13. 对人民币的投机性兴趣减退,可以从无本金交割远期合约(ndf)中窥见一斑。

    The fall-off in speculative interest in the Chinese currency can be seen in the rates for non-deliverable forwards , the derivative traders use to bet on moves in the renminbi .

  14. DVP是G-30组织推荐的防范本金风险最有效的制度设计。

    D VP is the most effective mechanism to eliminate principal risks of stick precaution that G-30 organization recommends .

  15. 法庭文件显示,其中一人名叫普拉尚特??米尔普里(PrashantMirpuri),曾任瑞银“东南亚新兴市场无本金交割远期(NDF)交易员”;

    One , Prashant Mirpuri , was employed as an " emerging market southeast Asia non-deliverable forward trader , " according to court filings .

  16. 如果你还需要更多证据,那就看看那些利用无本金交割远期外汇(NDF)市场做多人民币的人们,多年来遭受的损失吧。

    If you need yet more proof , look at the losses incurred over the years by the people who have used the non-deliverable forward ( NDF ) market to go long the Chinese renminbi .

  17. 对主权债务而言,国际互换与衍生品协会(isda)定义的信用事件是指未能支付票息或本金、重组(改变协议条款)、拒绝或暂停偿债。

    For sovereigns , a credit event is defined by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association as a failure to pay a coupon interest payment or principal , a restructuring changing the terms of an agreement or the repudiation of or moratorium on debt .

  18. 发生GameStop事件后,Tenev被传唤到了美国国会,他表示,与存入Robinhood的本金相比,其用户通过购买股票和投资赚取了逾350亿美元的利润。

    Summoned to Congress after the GameStop affair , Mr Tenev claimed that its users had earned more than $ 35bn in profits by buying stocks and investments , compared with what they had deposited with the broker .

  19. 我们会给你们250美圆本金。

    We 'll start you off with $ 250 seed money .

  20. 我们希望本金和利息支付在可预测范围内。

    We want the principal and interest payments to be predictable .

  21. 他靠利息生活,本金不动。

    He lived on the interest and kept his capital intact .

  22. 还款之后所剩的任何钱都可以用来减少本金。

    Any remaining money from the payment is used to reduce principal .

  23. 这是总计280美元的存款本金和利息。

    Here 's the deposit and the interest of280 dollars in all .

  24. 使用一笔款项时征收利息占本金的百分比。

    The percentage of a sum of money charged for its use .

  25. 信贷风险是指运用信用工具从事信用活动时,信用工具的本金与收益遭受损失的可能性。

    Credit risk is the possibility of loss related to credit instrument .

  26. 以本金和不断累积的利息为基数计算利息。

    To compute ( interest ) on the principal and accrued interest .

  27. 五年贷款降低标准不再要求月供来偿还本金。

    The five-year loans required no payments to reduce principal .

  28. 资产、负债和基金本金报表

    Statement of assets , liabilities and principal of the Fund

  29. 本金越少,其产生的利息和收入也就越少。

    The decreasing principal has decreasing power to produce interest or income .

  30. 债券持有人通常会收回一定比例的本金。

    Bondholders usually recover some proportion of their holdings .