
bái yín
  • silver;silver dollar or ingot
白银 [bái yín]
  • [silver] 银的通称

白银[bái yín]
  1. 他们垄断了白银市场。

    They 've cornered the market in silver .

  2. 由于黄金和白银的价格和股票价格一样,波动非常频繁,因此奖牌的价值并不是一成不变的。

    Since gold and silver rates , like stock prices , fluctuate pretty frequently , the value of the medal isn ’ t exactly static .

  3. 当你在商店里花着真金白银时,这些钱越来越抽象。

    At the shops where you spend any real money , that money is increasingly abstracted .

  4. 这次马拉松比赛5月22日上午在甘肃省白银市景泰县黄河石林景区举行,参赛人员共172人。

    The marathon , with a total of 172 participants , was held on Saturday morning in the Yellow River Stone Forest tourist site in Jingtai County , Baiyin City in Gansu province .

  5. 白银制品中银含量的能量色散X射线荧光光谱无损检测

    ED-XRF Nondestructive Testing of Silver Content in Silvery Articles

  6. COD(Cr)分析废液中白银的回收

    Recovery of Silver from Waste Liquor Generated in COD_ ( Cr ) Analysis

  7. 纺织机械厂仓库管理信息系统的系统分析与设计PLC在白银纺机针布厂设备改造中的应用

    The Design and Analyse of Warehouse Management Information System of Textile Machinery Plant The Application of PLC in the Equipment Transformation in Baiyin Textile Machinery Card Clothing Factory

  8. 威廉·詹宁斯·布赖恩(WilliamJenningsBryan)希望美国同时使用黄金和白银作为货币。

    William Jennings Bryan wanted the country to use both gold and silver as money .

  9. 城郊土壤共存元素对土壤作物系统Cd、Pb迁移的影响分析&以白银市城郊区为例

    Influence of Co-exist Heavy Metals on the Transfer of Cadmium and Lead in Soil-Wheat Root System in Suburb Land & Taking the Baiyin suburb as an example

  10. 从地区分布来看,白银市、乌鲁木齐市、昌吉州和哈密分别是SO2、NOx、烟尘和粉尘的最大排放地区。

    Geographically , Baiyin , Urumqi , Changji and Hami are the largest emitters of SO2 , NOx , soot and dust .

  11. 干旱区土壤小麦根系界面Pb、Ni行为的环境影响&以甘肃省白银市区污灌耕作土为例

    Influence of Soil Properties on the Behavior of Pb and Ni in Soil-Root System Irrigated with Waste Water in Arid Zone - Taking the Baiyin Region as Example

  12. 但Facebook和其他一些公司的经历表明,阿里巴巴不久就需要向投资者显示,该公司能将消费者对其移动业务的关注转化成真金白银的利润。

    But the experience of Facebook and others indicates Alibaba will need to show before long that it is translating eyeballs on smartphones into real money .

  13. 在白银拓扑中,CEI作为WPS集群的一部分配置。

    In the Silver Topology , the CEI is configured as part of the WPS cluster .

  14. 白银被广泛用于电子器件,包括电视按钮、计算机键盘薄膜开关以及CD和DVD碟片涂层。

    Silver is widely used in electronics , whether in buttons for TVs , in membrane switches in computer keyboards or as a coating for CDs and DVDs .

  15. 据伦敦金银市场协会(LondonBullionMarketAssociation,简称LBMA)主管的说法,几家中资银行对参与全球新的白银定价机制表示了兴趣。

    Several Chinese banks have expressed interest in participating in the new global price setting mechanism for silver , according to the head of the London Market Bullion Association .

  16. 按照黄金和白银博客(GoldandSilverBlog)上的说法,保罗已采取措施保护自己不受美联储政策最终会对美元价值造成的灾难性影响。

    According to the Gold and Silver Blog , Ron Paul has taken steps to protect himself from the disastrous effects that Federal Reserve policies will ultimately have on the value of the US currency .

  17. Facebook其实是一个平台,人们大量参与其中,而Facebook应如何好好利用这一点并将其转化为真金白银和盈利能力仍有待观察。

    This is a platform that has gained tremendous human participation . Now , how well they capitalize that and turn that into cash generation and profitability remains to be seen .

  18. 基于ASTER数据的断裂构造判读:以甘肃白银地区为例

    Fault Analysis Based on ASTER Imaging Information : Introduced by an Application Test in Baiyin Area , Gansu Province

  19. 甘肃白银矿田基性火山岩的LA-ICP-MS同位素年代学

    A LA-ICP-MS chronological study of basic volcanics in Baiyin orefield , Gansu , China

  20. 2008年,白银ETF的持有量增长2339吨,总量增至8253吨。因此,今年的资金流入步伐明显加快。

    In 2008 , holdings in silver ETFs increased 2,339 tonnes to 8,253 tonnes , so the pace of inflows this year has stepped up considerably .

  21. 金川水体中以Cu和Ni为主,水体总体呈现中度污染;白银水体总体而言,除Pb元素处于警戒等级之外,其余元素均为严重污染。

    The water bodies in Jinchuan , mainly containing Cu and Ni , were moderately polluted . While for the water bodies in Baiyin were heavily polluted by all the heavy metals except Pb which was in the alerting level .

  22. 重金属化学形态的分析表明,金川尾矿砂中Ni具有很强的活动性,白银尾矿渣中Cd元素活动性最强,显示出对周围环境具有较大的潜在危害性。

    Analyzed results of chemical forms of heavy metals show that Ni in tailings of Jinchuan and Pb in waste slagheap of Baiyin have strong mobility , which suggested that Ni and Pb have the great potential harm to the surroundings .

  23. 弗雷德•古德温爵士(SirFredGoodwin)把苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)推进深坑,继而用英国纳税人的真金白银买单走人之后,居然每年还享有70万英镑(折合98万美元)的退休金。

    After Sir Fred Goodwin led Royal Bank of Scotland into a ditch and dumped the bill on British taxpayers , he left with a pension of over £ 700000 ( $ 980000 ) a year .

  24. 白银拓扑和黄金拓扑的区别在于其中的CEI功能部署到应用程序集群,而并没有自己的独立集群。

    The difference between Silver and Gold is that in Silver the CEI function is deployed to the application cluster rather than having its own cluster .

  25. 结束调查将激怒美国一些白银投资者,他们声称,一些大型投行尤其是摩根大通(jpmorgan)共谋推低白银价格。

    Ending the probe would infuriate some US Silver investors , who claim that a group of large investment banks in particular , JPMorgan has conspired to drive the price of silver lower .

  26. 结束调查将激怒美国一些白银投资者,他们声称,一些大型投行——尤其是摩根大通(JPMorgan)——共谋推低白银价格。

    Ending the probe would infuriate some US silver investors , who claim that a group of large investment banks - in particular , JPMorgan - has conspired to drive the price of silver lower .

  27. 很多《部落冲突》和Supercell其他游戏的忠实玩家用真金白银购买虚拟货币和其他资源,来打造他们在游戏中的力量和影响力。

    Many devotees of Clash of Clans and other Supercell games spend real money on fake currency and other resources to build their in-game power and heft .

  28. 黄金价格周一连续第11个交易日上涨,这是自1980年以来最长的一波上涨。1980年时,油价飙升,亿万富翁亨特兄弟(Hunt)在白银市场的逼空行为推动金价升至创纪录水平。

    Gold was on Monday set to register its 11th consecutive day of gains , the longest run since 1980 , when an oil price spike and the billionaire Hunt brothers ' squeeze in the silver market drove bullion to a record .

  29. 在MERTION,天空象是燃烧着的白银一样,甚至比Solania还要明亮。

    In Mertion , the sky burns with silver even brighter than that of Solania .

  30. 甘肃白银矿田变酸性火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS测年&白银式块状硫化物矿床形成时代新证据

    A LA-ICP-MS U-Pb chronological study of zircons from meta-acidic volcanics in Baiyin orefield , Gansu Province : New evidence for metallogenic age of Baiyin type massive sulfide deposits