
běn piào
  • promissory note;cashier's cheque
本票[běn piào]
  1. 在银行本票中,银行既是出票人又是受票人。

    In the case of a cashier 's cheque , the bank is both the drawer and drawee .

  2. 本法所称本票,是指银行本票。

    A promissory note as used in this Law means a banker 's note .

  3. 美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)最近提醒投资者小心,目前市场中有一种由骗子发行的虚假高收益“企业本票”在大量传播。

    The Securities and Exchange Commission recently warned about an epidemic of bogus high-yield ' corporate promissory notes ' being marketed to investors by scam artists .

  4. 本票由被传唤人携带来院报道。

    The summoned should report to the court with this summons .

  5. 预付款用本票或则是汇票都可以。

    Prepayment with cash your check or money order is accepted .

  6. 被告欠原告该本票所载款项及利息。

    Defendant owes to plaintiff the amount of said note and interest .

  7. 本票以前一般是用作借据。

    Promissory notes were generally used as evidence of debt .

  8. (二)明知是作废的汇票、本票、支票而使用的;

    Knowingly using invalidated bills of exchange , promissory notes or cheques ;

  9. 申请银行本票需向银行支付手续费。

    Handling fee will be charged by banks for bank draft application .

  10. 他经常用银行小额本票支付。

    He always pays us by bank money order .

  11. 本票预付款用本票或汇票都可以。

    cashier 's check Pre-payment with cashier 's check or money order is accepted

  12. 汇票和本票印花税法公约

    Convention concerning Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

  13. 此外,我需要一张开给国税局的银行本票。

    Then I need a cashier 's check made out to the IRS .

  14. 他用本票支付那笔订购款。

    He paid his subscription by banker 's order .

  15. 您也可以使用银行本票的检查,以汇款到印度。

    You can also use Cashier 's Checks to send money to India .

  16. 如果我遗失了银行本票怎么办?

    What if I lose the bank draft ?

  17. 票据法介绍本票、汇票和支票的法律规定;

    Prrt five disscuss bill law , introducing bill , check , and note .

  18. 为什么我需要银行本票?

    Why would I need a bank draft ?

  19. 明天是本票,还未到期。今天是现金……用心去花。

    Tomorrow is a promissory note . Today is cash ... Spend it wisely .

  20. 伪造、更改或挪用支票、汇票、本票或证券;

    Forgery , alteration or misappropriation of checks , drafts , promissory notes or securities ;

  21. 本票,国家或核定银行发行的,作为通货或法定货币

    Promissory note for issue by the tate or approved banks as currency or legal tender

  22. 缴纳保证金可以用现金支付,也可以采用签发汇票或者本票的方式支付。

    The deposit is payable in cash or by a draft or a cashier 's check .

  23. 凡本票在未交付予受款人或持票人之前,仍属未完成及不完备之票据。

    A promissory note is inchoate and incomplete until delivery thereof to the payee or bearer .

  24. 为使本票之背书人负责,执票人必须作付款提示。

    Presentment for payment is necessary in order to render the indorser of a note liable .

  25. 我建议你把钱拿去银行换成银行本票。

    I would suggest that you take that to the bank and get a cashier 's check .

  26. 解决汇票和本票的某些法律抵触公约

    Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

  27. 本票对受款人来说是应收单子,对出票人来说则是应付单子。

    A promissory note is regarded as notes receivable for the payee and notes payable for the maker .

  28. 联合国《国际汇票及本票公约》中的票据抗辩

    On Negotiable Instrument Counterplea in the United Nations Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes

  29. 上限:一种对利率规定上限的浮动利率本票。

    Cap : A floating rate note with an upper limit on the interest rate to be paid .

  30. 本票是规定甲方向乙方支付一笔款额的一种文据。

    The promissory note is a document in which A promises to pay a sum of money to B.