
  • 网络target tree;Goal Tree;Objective tree
  1. 建立评价目标树,并使用头脑风暴法、模糊统计法等辅助方法提高建模优化效率。

    Setting up evaluation goal tree , using the secondary method such as brainstorming , fuzzy statistic would improve efficiency .

  2. 基于目标树的组卷算法的研究

    An Intelligent Test Combination Algorithm of Test-sheets Based on Target Tree

  3. 目标树图法与商务口语知识结构的建立

    Target-Tree Method and Establishment of Knowledge Structure of Business Oral English

  4. 滇中高原云南松林目标树优势群体的生长过程分析

    Analysis on Growth of the Dominant Population of Pinus yunnanensis in Central Yunnan Plateau

  5. 目标树是常用的利用已有知识进行分析和决策的方法。

    The approach of Target Tree is a common method based on available information .

  6. 分布式入侵检测系统在对攻击事件检测和报警时采用分散-集中方式,所采用的数据结构&目标树,被用来进行入侵预测。

    The key data structure-goal tree-is adopted for the DIDS s pattern matching and intrusion predicting is provided too .

  7. 将被拖放的端口类型结点复制到目标树中,连同其中包含的所有操作。

    The dragged port type node is copied to the target tree along with all the operations it contains .

  8. 本文借鉴传统迁移工作流的概念模型和工作流表示方法,提出了一种目标树分解方法。

    According to traditional migrating workflow system , this paper proposes a target tree decomposing method to present workflow state .

  9. 本论文运用多目标树图分析方法来构建污水处理厂建设项目绩效评价指标体系。

    This paper use the multi-objective tree analysis to build a sewage treatment plant construction project performance evaluation index system .

  10. 基于目标树和数据仓库原理提出了一种新的组卷算法。

    On the base of Target trees and Data warehouse theory , the author developes a new test - sheets generating algorithm .

  11. 在源及目标树中选定的结点(使用鼠标右键)表示了特定的行为,描述如下

    Nodes selected in the source and target trees ( with the right mouse button ) show specific behavior , as described below

  12. 本文用系统工程的观点对电网体制改革进行了探讨和研究,提出了电网体制改革的目标树。

    From the point of view of System Engineering , the system reform of Eas China Power Network is discussed and investigated .

  13. 该算法极大拓展了初始组播树的寻解空间,且总能够找到具有最严格的延时变化约束的目标树。

    The algorithm provides a large solution seeking space for initial multicast tree and the tightest delay-variation bounded constraint for the result tree .

  14. 该原型系统采用贝叶斯网络作为多传感器融合的工具,用目标树的方法来分析协同攻击的攻击企图,并最终量化系统的受威胁程度。

    The prototype employ Bayesian Network to do information fusion and goal-tree to analyze intensions of coordinated attacks and quantify the security risk of system .

  15. 该文应用目标树来对分布式的较大规模的网络进行攻击判定,它能够有效地发现多步骤的复杂攻击和组合攻击。

    The paper focuses on the application of Target Tree in combating the large-scale distributed attacks , which may effectively detect multiple-step complex and combined attacks .

  16. 目的试图从确立医院感染管理指标体系及目标树入手,建立医院感染管理的评价模式。

    Objective This paper was aimed to explore the assessing model for the hospital infection management through the establishment of the Goal Tree and groups of indices .

  17. 分析了产品的设计空间及设计问题关联因素,确立目标树,建立功能结构。

    According to the space of product design , some connected factors with design problems are sought , the objective trees are established , and the function constructions are founded .

  18. 本讲介绍采用设计方法学的方法对摩擦磨损试验机设计进行研究的结果,建立了摩擦磨损试验机的要求明细表,功能结构图、设计模幅箱和方案评价目标树。

    This paper studies the friction-wear tester design using design methodology . The demand items tables , function structure chart , design-model box and objective tree of evaluation programme are set up .

  19. 采用目标树培育技术,通过人工修枝的方法来培育杉木人工林无节木材,以提高南方杉木木材的市场价值。

    The approach of cultivation for the target-tree was studied . The method which planting Chinese fir with non-knot timber by artificial pruning , could improved the timber value of Chinese fir in the southern market .

  20. 针对影响机械产品零部件创新设计品质的各种因素,结合目标树和层次分析法,提出了产品创新设计的多指标未确知综合评价的模型。

    It analyzes all kinds of factors that influence the quality of part innovation design , and proposes a method of combining the analytical hierarchy process with objective tree method based on unascertained comprehensive evaluation for innovation design .

  21. 借鉴功能模拟原理,利用目标树-成功树-主逻辑图(GTST-MLD)框架,提出了一个一体化安全风险模型。

    According to functional modeling theory , this paper proposes an integrated safety risk model for engineering system by using joint goal tree-success tree ( GTST ) and the master logic diagram ( MLD ) as a framework .

  22. 运用战略分析方法、目标树方法、目标手段分析方法、心理学分析等对地理信息标准化系统进行了环境分析、目标和结构分析、定性定量分析。

    The geographic information standardization system has the following output methods and analytical results : the strategic analysis method , the target tree method , goal means analysis method , psychologic analysis , the environmental analysis , target and structure analysis , and qualitative and quantitative analysis .

  23. 其次,深入研究了地面复杂目标和树的FDTD几何&电磁建模方法。

    Secondly , the method , used to model complex target and tree trunk in FDTD algorithm , is studied .

  24. 这是唯一的情形,您可以在目标WSDL树中建立新元素,这通过用菜单选择来实现,以便将新操作拖放到其中。

    This is the only case where you can create a new element in the target WSDL tree with a menu selection in order to support dragging and dropping new operations to it .

  25. 汽车驾驶人机系统目标评价树的建立及应用

    The Application of Objective Tree for Man-Machine System in Vehicle Driving

  26. 推理机由监测系统推理树、防治目标推理树和防治方法推理树组成。

    The inference engine consists of diverse inference trees of monitor system , control aim and control method .

  27. 参数最优整定问题在数学上可以化为以系统状态方程为约束条件,在参数空间内寻求目标函树极小值的问题。

    Optimum governor setting problem can be represented mathematically as a problem to find the goal function minima in the parameter space , the state equation of the control system being a constraint .

  28. 需求向上提交给NFS守护进程,它为需求标示出目标文件系统树,并且VFS再次用于在本地存储中获取文件系统。

    The request is passed up to the NFS daemon , which identifies the target file system tree needed for the request , and VFS is again used to get to that file system in local storage .

  29. 求解多目标最小生成树问题的改进算法

    An Improved Algorithm to Solve the Multi-Criteria Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

  30. 子弹没击中目标,射入树里。

    The bullet missed its mark , embedding itself in a tree .