
  • 网络Catalog selling;Catalog Sale;catalogue sales;catalogselling
  1. 他们已经从单一的按照商品目录销售,转变为一个包括商品目录、线上销售、以及通过像亚马逊等这样的合作伙伴销售的多种销售渠道的零售公司。

    They had evolved from a catalog sales company into one that utilized multiple sales channels-catalog , online , and through partners like Amazon or others .

  2. 目录销售方式更为大众化。

    It was more mass .

  3. 它将网络和目录销售的形式引入男衬衫行业,通过大幅度降低渠道费用,使消费者能够以更低的价格买到理想的衬衫。

    It will catalog and Internet sales in the form of the introduction of Men shirt industry , a significant reduction in the cost of the channels so that consumers can buy at lower prices an ideal shirt .

  4. 根据客户的需求,该公司后来扩大产品销售目录,销售产品包括录像带、DVD、电子产品、玩具、服装、软件、家居用品和食品等。

    Due to customer demand the company later expanded and added other products to its inventories , including videos , DVDs , electronics , toys , apparel1 , software , household items , and gourmet food .

  5. 图示目录与销售说明书将另件寄上。

    Our illustrated catalog and a supply of sales literature are being sent by separate post .

  6. 很多网上电脑商店从前重要靠打出来的产品目录进行销售,上面明白地写明了技术需要。

    Many of the online computer stores used to sell exclusively through printed catalogs , addressing the technically astute .

  7. 如蒙贵公司寄来商品目录及销售和付款条件,我们将不胜感激。

    We shall is glad if you will send us your trade catalogue and term of sale and payment .

  8. 用证明书证明通过证明文件给予、证明或认可图示目录与销售说明书将另件寄上。

    To furnish with , testify to , or authorize by a certificate . Our illustrated catalog and a supply of sales literature are being sent by separate post .

  9. 图示目录与销售说明书将另件寄上。客观著录原则与港台图书的编目工作

    Our illustrated catalog and a supply of sales literature are being sent by separate post . The Principle of Objective Description and Cataloging Work of the Books from Hong Kong and Taiwan

  10. LouisLataif:“这是丰田规模最大的类似召回。这是自愿的,而不是强制性的。因此,从这一方面来说,他们是非常大胆的。承受着停止生产的风险来纠正目录上停止销售的车辆。”

    LOUIS LATAIF : " It 's Toyota 's biggest such recall . It 's voluntary , it 's not d. So , , they are doing something fairly bold , namely , taking the hit of shutting production and correcting the vehicles that are in on which they have stopped sales . "

  11. 因此,从这一方面来说,他们是非常大胆的。承受着停止生产的风险来纠正目录上停止销售的车辆。

    So , in that respect , they are doing something fairly bold , namely , taking the hit of shutting production and correcting the vehicles that are in inventory on which they have stopped sales .

  12. 诸如Web目录、多页销售报告之类的应用程序都大量使用分页,为显示的每个新页面抓取一块新的数据。

    Applications like Web catalogs , multi-page sales reports and others make extensive use of paging , fetching a new block of data for each new page displayed .

  13. 惠勒表示:目录正是在线销售最大的驱动力之一。

    The thing that 's happening is one of the biggest drivers of online sales is the catalogue .