
kǔn bǎnɡ xiāo shòu
  • bundling;full-line forcing
  1. IHSTechnology公司的高级分析师丹尼尔o格里森认为,谷歌的“捆绑销售”并不会影响到三星。

    Daniel Gleeson , senior analyst with IHS Technology , believes Google 's bundling is not really harming Samsung .

  2. 农资赊销中的金融合约:社区信用与捆绑销售

    Agricultural Credit in the Financial Contracts : Community Credit and Bundling

  3. 购买和个人电脑一起捆绑销售的软件要比单买便宜。

    It 's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately .

  4. 但是将于情人节周末首映的《五十度灰》(FiftyShadesofGrey)捆绑销售的许多物品都是只为成人准备的。

    But with the Valentine 's Day weekend premiere of " Fifty Shades of Grey , " many of the tie-ins to the film are for adults only .

  5. 这种捆绑销售非常重要,因为这样一来,发行商和开发商便会更容易支持设备,而Xbox360在这方面一直比较欠缺。

    This bundle is important as publishers and developers will be more apt to support the device , something that has been lacking on the 360 .

  6. NPD统计出游戏销量下降还有另一个原因,那就是该调查公司没有把和电视游戏设备捆绑销售的游戏统计入软件销售数据,而这种捆绑销售方式已经日益为电视游戏机买家所青睐。

    One factor in NPD 's declining game sales is that the research firm does not include games that are bundled with consoles - an increasingly popular option for buying the machines - in its software sales data .

  7. 将技术捆绑销售是对此采取的一种应对措施。

    Selling integrated bundles of technology is one response to this .

  8. 捆绑销售拒绝退出历史舞台,这个事实并不令人惊讶。

    The fact that bundling refuses to die is not surprising .

  9. 信息产品捆绑销售的内生性研究

    A Study on the Inherence of the Tie-in Sale of Information Products

  10. 捆绑销售的经济学层面思考

    A Study of the Bundling-sale at the Level of Economics

  11. 垄断企业捆绑销售的策略效应

    The strategic effect of the bundling of enterprise monopoly Billboard Of Sales

  12. 双边市场中平台企业的捆绑销售策略研究

    A Study on Platform 's Tying Strategy in Two-sided Markets

  13. 多物品拍卖的捆绑销售策略

    A Strategy of Bundled Sales in Multi - object Auction

  14. 在捆绑销售商品时,掠夺性定价就更难发现了。

    Predation is even trickier to uncover when goods are sold together .

  15. 捆绑销售作为企业常用的销售策略,其实质是一种价格歧视和市场圈定行为。

    The nature of the bundling-sale is price discrimination and market foreclosure .

  16. 基于货架期的易腐食品捆绑销售价格模型分析

    Pricing model analysis based on shelf life for perishable foods bundling selling

  17. 捆绑销售的基本产品具有垄断性是实现捆绑销售的条件。

    The realization of the bundling-sale requires that its basic commodity enjoy monopoly .

  18. 捆绑销售能给买卖双方带来利益。

    Bundling sales benefit both buyers and sellers .

  19. 捆绑销售与通常所说的搭售是有所区别的。

    Bundling sale is different from tying sale .

  20. 捆绑销售有效实施及顾客满意策略研究

    A Study on the Effective Implementation of Bundling-sale and the Strategy for Customer Satisfaction

  21. 捆绑销售浅析

    On Sales Tied up With Other Goods

  22. 其垄断行为表现通常为通过技术壁垒、捆绑销售、价格岐视等方式。

    The monopoly can usually be technological bulwark , binding sale , price discrimination , etc.

  23. 消费者喜欢捆绑销售的原因有几个。

    Consumers like bundles for several reasons .

  24. 银行通常会要求经纪商出价购买捆绑销售的所有股票。

    Typically the bank will ask brokers to tender for the whole bundle of stocks .

  25. 所以,尽管试图将数字音乐同手机以及付费电视订阅进行捆绑销售,但是这种做法并未在市场中流行开来。

    Efforts to bundle music with mobile-phone or pay-TV subscriptions have failed to catch on .

  26. 互联网没有废除捆绑销售,而是提高了捆绑销售的效率。

    Rather than abolishing bundling , the internet enables it to be practised with greater efficiency .

  27. 尽管数字技术似乎促进了碎片化,但它也使捆绑销售显得更简单,更有吸引力。

    Although digital technology seems to foster fragmentation , it makes bundling simpler and more attractive .

  28. 对于大公司,情况将变得更加复杂,因为它们通常把云计算和非云计算产品捆绑销售。

    This gets especially complicated at large companies that lump cloud-computing sales in with non-cloud products .

  29. 我们应该运用捆绑销售么?我认为我们可以提供药房和照片冲洗店。

    Should we use scramble merchandising ? I think we can offer pharmacies , and photo processing .

  30. 当然,电讯盈科可以为手机屏幕加入无限的内容,并用捆绑销售的方式留住用户。

    Sure , it can pump endless content onto mobile screens and tie-in users with bundling programmes .