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  1. “地平线工程”是由声望卓著的科学家和NASA里的人员推广的,但只是昙花一现,然后就被公众遗忘了。

    The Horizon Project was populated by prestigious scientists , NASA personnel , and yet was a blip on the stage and then forgotten .

  2. 第五部分,以计划行为理论(TPB)为依据,构建乡镇农技人员推广行为的分析框架,并提出相关假设,为下一步乡镇农技人员的推广行为调查提供依据。

    In the fifth part , according to the Theory of Planned Behavior , the author constructs an analysis modle for action of agricultural extension personnel , and also raises some hypothesis .

  3. 第七部分,利用Tobit模型分析浙江省乡镇农技人员推广行为的影响因素,并对各因素进行经济解释,从数量上揭示各因素对乡镇农技人员推广行为的影响程度和作用方向。

    In the seventh part , the author adopts Tobit Model to analyze the factors that influence the town agricultural personnel 's action of extending agricultural technology in Zhejiang province .

  4. 基层农业技术推广人员的推广行为分析

    Analysis on the Extension Behavior of Agricultural Technique Extension Personnel at Grass-roots

  5. 基层农业推广人员在推广先进适用农业新技术新品种等方面发挥了重要作用。

    Grassroots agricultural popularization personnel in disseminates advanced new varieties of agricultural technology has played an important role .

  6. 农业技术推广人员主要推广三种技术:新品种技术、良种繁育、防治病虫害等种植技术以及良种繁育、防治病害等养殖技术。

    The agricultural technology extension workers extend three kinds technologies mainly : the new species technologies , plant technology and breed technology such as seed-breeding , pest management and so on .

  7. 该智能评估系统可在普通工程技术人员中推广,有助于提高其评估钢筋混凝土结构耐久性的能力;具有一定的工程实用价值。

    The intelligent evaluation system can be spread among ordinary engineers and helpful to improve their ability of evaluating the durability of reinforced concrete structures . It is proved to be with practical value .

  8. 尽管如此,邀明星助阵仍是营销人员重要的推广手段之一

    But celebrity endorsements remain an important promotional tool for marketers .

  9. 游客入园后可以参观一间探索性行为历史的博物馆,工作人员也会推广保险套的使用。

    Parkgoers will be able to tour a museum exploring the history of sexuality , and employees will promote condom use .

  10. 针对少教人员提出具有推广性和可操作性的干预模式,为劳动教养青少年这一特殊人群提供新的理念、手段和方法。

    Operable and duplicable intervention models are proposed to provide the innovative concept , strategy and method for the rehabilitation of the delinquent juveniles .

  11. 再次,在调查研究基础上,对滨州市农业技术推广机构组织构成、推广人员结构、推广经费使用、推广工作开展情况、农民对农技推广机构的评价、农技推广模式等方面进行详细的描述分析。

    Again , on the basis of investigation and research , this paper described agricultural technology extension agencies composition , structure , workers , the use of funds , development situation , the farmers ' evaluation and other aspects of agricultural extension model in detail .

  12. 从实用的角度讨论了计算机辅助技术(CAX)深化应用中的诸如企业规划、软件选型、人员培训、应用推广等问题,对CAD/CAM软件选型的方法和步骤做了重点介绍。件;

    Starting from the angle of the actual application , this paper discusses on the problems existing in the deepening application of computer-aided techniques ( CAX ) such as enterprise planning , software selecting , personnel training , and CAX applying and popularizing , etc.

  13. 载波机的接口改造对相关人员具有一定的推广和应用价值。

    It has certain spreading and application value to relevant personnel .

  14. 农业技术推广人员对农业技术推广工作的认知。

    The cognition of agricultural technology extension workers to agricultural technology extension .

  15. 这也是身为社区护理人员及基层健康推广者,所最该积极推广及卫教宣导的。

    Therefore , this is the most important topic that we community nursing and basic health workers should promote first .

  16. 在促销策略上要灵活运用公共关系、广告宣传、人员促销和营业推广等促销手段。

    Marketing strategy to be flexible in the use of public relations , advertising , marketing and sales promotion staff and other promotional tools .

  17. 这一切都让我国现行的农业技术推广体系面临着严峻的挑战,无论从推广的组织形式上、体制上、人员上、以及推广的方式方法上,都已不能适应当前农业发展的新形势。

    Its forms of organization , structures , personnel and methods are all unable to adapt to the new situation of the development of current agriculture .

  18. 仿真培训系统以其逼真、低耗、安全和规范化培训等特点,在学员培训中取得了显著效果,而且已在重要工业部门的复杂操作岗位的人员培训中被推广和使用。

    It is spread and used in many significant industry departments , especially in the training of complicated job staff characterized by its verisimilitude , low consumption of energy , its security and standardization .

  19. 文章从人员配置、宣传推广、软件选择、咨询问题类型、服务评估等方面对8个美国高校图书馆的实时参考咨询试验项目进行了研究分析与经验总结。

    This paper analyzes the eight pilot chat reference services programs offered by academic libraries in USA from the perspectives of staffing , marketing , software selection , question types , service evaluation , and summarized their experiences .

  20. 系统界面简单易懂,对于系统的维护也易于掌握,这对企业内部计算机应用水平参差不齐的各部门人员具有一定的推广、实用价值。

    The systematic interface is easily understood and the maintenance of the system is easy to master . This has certain popularization and practical value to personnel of every different department of application level of the computer inside enterprises .

  21. 65名预防接种门诊工作人员中,认为推广疫苗的主要阻力是群众认识水平低、群众经济水平低的分别为66.15%和72.31%。

    Among 65 out-patient vaccinators , the main resistance to expand the vaccine was " the understanding level was low among the population "," the economic level among the population was low " accounted for 66.15 % and 72.31 % respectively .

  22. 并对照农业推广法,分析根源,提出技术本身的实效与研究推广人员自身素质是推广普及成功与否的关键因素。

    According to the act of popularization in agriculture , a new connotation about the study , development and the article puts forward that whether the popularization is successful or not depends on the actual effect of technology itself and the speaders ' diathesis .

  23. 同时分析了在脱毒马铃薯推广种植过程中产生的土地流转不畅、资金短缺、农技人员稀缺、农技推广不到位和农民人力资本水平低等问题。

    At the same time , analyses the causes of the virus-free potato planting promotion in the process of land circulation is not smooth , the shortage of funds , the scarcity of agricultural extension , extension staff is not in place and the farmer human capital level low .

  24. 农业技术推广人员对于农业技术推广现状既不乐观也不悲观,将近一半的农业技术推广人员认为推广现状一般,但大多数人员都认为农业技术推广工作非常重要。

    The cognition of agricultural technology extension workers to agricultural technology extension is not optimistic and pessimistic , near half s agricultural technology extension workers thought that the present situation of agricultural technology extension is ordinary , but many extension workers thought that the agricultural technology extension work is important .