
  1. 结果在社区卫生服务机构的支出结构中,药品所占比重最高,人员经费支出其次。

    Results Among these institutions , the expenses of drug occupied the highest ratio , the outlay of stuff was the second .

  2. 二是人员经费支出占事业性经费比重对公办高职院校运行效率基本没有影响,而该比重对民办高职院校却有明显的影响。

    Another conclusion is that the ratio of personal outlay in the undertaking outlay does not influence the running efficiency of state-owned high vocational colleges , but does that of private high vocational colleges .

  3. 高新区内科技活动人员、R&D经费支出等科研资源嵌入,企业数、工业总产值等网络规模的扩大都是影响高新区出口贸易水平的重要因素。

    Second , the research resources such as technology personnel and R & D expenditures , the network scale such as the number of enterprises and industrial output are important factors affecting the level of exportation .

  4. 据此,在分析问题原因的基础上,提出应在严格执行经费投入政策,加大对计生人员结构、经费支出结构调整力度,加强创收、完善财务管理制度等方面采取相应对策。

    On the basis of the analyses , corresponding countermeasures are put forward as the following : to execute strictly the fund investment policy adjust FP personnel structure and expenditure structure , increase income and improve financial management system .

  5. 以科技活动人员人均科技经费内部支出以及科技活动人员人均专利授权量这两个指标作为技术进步的代理变量,实证分析了我国金融发展对技术进步的影响作用。

    Technological activities to internal expenditures per capita Technology and technological activities of these two patents granted per capita indicators as a proxy for technological progress , empirical analysis of financial development on the role of technological progress .