
  • 网络special sales
  1. 特别是销售行业,各方销售信息汇于同一个数据库,使得销售管理水平以及工作效率有了长足的提高,加速了整个行业的发展速度。

    In particular , sales of the industry , all sales information exchange in the same database , so the level of retail management and efficiency has come a long way to improve and accelerate the pace of development in the industry .

  2. 特别是海外销售大约增长了10%。

    In particular , overseas sales increased by about 10 percent .

  3. 我们将特别研究交叉销售、品牌保护伞,以及客户智识等课题。

    In particular , we will look at cross selling , umbrella branding , and customer intelligence .

  4. 特别是在销售环节,我国房价与人均年收人30:1的高比率,必然催生了个人住房抵押贷款市场。

    Particularly in marketing , high rate with 30:1 between price and per income , it rise Personal housing mortgage loan market .

  5. 为什么这么说呢,特别是做销售的人员,如果没有一个很好的心态去面对这份工作,会让人心里失去平衡。

    Why do you say so , especially in sales personnel , if not a good attitude towards this job , can let a person heart loses his balance .

  6. 在市场营销能力方面,特别是终端销售能力和终端管理水平上,国内石油公司与国际石油公司存在明显差距,而国内对加油站市场营销的研究还远未引起重视。

    In the aspect of market sale ability , especially on terminal sale ability and terminal level of management , domestic petroleum companies and international petroleum companies have obvious gap , however domestic research of the market sale of gasoline station is still far to arouse to pay attention to .

  7. 市场特别是农村市场销售不旺;

    The sluggish market sales , in particular that on the rural markets ;

  8. 伦敦开发商一直因将住宅向海外(特别是亚洲)销售而受到批评。

    London developers have been criticised for selling homes abroad , particularly to Asia .

  9. 香港特别行政区开征销售税的研究

    A Study on Introduction of Goods and Services Tax in Hong Kong Special Administration Region

  10. 他们很快就发现这一明显的事实:那些法规是歧视小生产者的,特别在物价与销售政策方面。

    They soon discovered the obvious fact that the codes discriminated against small producers , especially in pricing and sales policies .

  11. 在研究了电子商务与物流的关系以及电子商务环境下目前物流发展的现状后,重点探讨了如何构建电子商务环境下的集约化物流,特别是集约化销售物流等问题。

    After studying the relationship between E-commerce and logistics and the current situation of logistics development under the environment of E-commerce , the paper discusses how to establish the intensification logistics , especially the intensified distribution logistics .