
  1. 野村证券(Nomura)数据显示,中兴通讯销售的电信设备占全球的8%至10%,伊朗是其客户之一。

    ZTE sells 8-10 per cent of the world 's telecoms equipment , according to Nomura , and counts Iran among its customers .

  2. 今年4月,美国商务部禁止美国公司向中兴通讯销售关键零部件,使得这家智能手机和网络设备制造商陷入了危机。

    ZTE ( ZTCOF ) , which makes smartphones and network equipment , was thrown into crisis in April when the US Commerce Department blocked American companies from selling it vital components .

  3. 中兴通讯仍在销售这些产品,所以法庭才会颁布禁令,华为西欧业务副总裁提姆沃特金斯(TimWatkins)向英国≪金融时报≫表示。如果这些产品没有销售,法庭是不会颁布禁令的。

    These products are still being sold by ZTE which is why the court issued this injunction , Tim Watkins , vice-president of Huawei western Europe , told the FT. The court would not have issued the injunction if these products were not commercially available .