
  1. 要稳定和完善出口政策,加快通关便利化改革,扩大跨境电子商务试点。

    We will keep export policies stable and improve them , accelerate reform to facilitate customs clearance , and extend trials of cross-border e-commerce .

  2. 在贸易投资便利化方面已取得了重要进展,在许多专题上,比如通关便利化、中小企业合作、贸易投资促进、电子商务、法律透明度等都达成了实质性的协议。

    Major progress has been achieved in trade investment facilitation , and substantial agreement has been reached in many special topics such as access facilitation , cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises , trade investment promotion , e-commerce and transparency of legal affairs .

  3. 美国与东盟将开展合作,启动“东盟一站式服务”(ASEANSingleWindow)试点项目,这是一种加快货物通关的贸易便利化项目。

    The United States and ASEAN will work together to launch the " ASEAN Single Window " pilot program , a trade facilitation project to expedite cargo clearance .