
  • 网络The Schengen Agreement
  1. 但是,收紧边境控制(尽管不到正式暂停让欧洲人自由流动的申根协议的地步)应该被提上议事日程。

    But tighter border controls , albeit short of formally suspending the Schengen agreement providing for free movement , should be on the table .

  2. 有报道称,巴黎正在考虑暂停取消欧盟国家之间边境的申根协议,法国官员淡化了这种报道。

    French officials have sought to downplay reports that Paris is considering the suspension of the Schengen Agreement , which abolished border controls between participating European Union countries .

  3. 英国不是申根协议的一部分。

    Britain is not part of Schengen .

  4. 法国暂停申根协议的暗示是一次戏剧性的,极具争议的行为。

    Its suggestion about suspending Schengen is a dramatic and highly controversial attempt to force the debate .

  5. 大部分移民正在前往法国,他们认为按照申根协议,他们有权这样做。

    Most of these migrants are now trying to exercise what they see as their rights under Schengen to come to France .

  6. 法国领导人称正在考虑暂停允许人们在大多数欧盟国家之间自由流动的申根协议。

    The French presidency says it 's considering suspending the Schengen accord , which allows the free movement of people between most European Union countries .