
  • 网络Inscription;Application for World Heritage;world cultural heritage application
  1. 因此,在一定的意义上,“申遗”成为这么一种互构的途径。

    Therefore , in a certain sense ," world cultural heritage application " provides ways for such a mutual construction .

  2. 是时代赋予我们的责任,泉水申遗是否可行,值得研究。

    The responsibilities entrusted to us by the times , springs inscription feasibility is worth studying .

  3. 如果中国申遗成功,则记录慰安妇命运的档案将成为教科文组织世界记忆(MemoryoftheWorld)计划的一部分,而日本则竭力反对这种做法。

    If China has its way , documents recording the fate of such women would become part of Unesco 's Memory of the World program & a move which Japan has vehemently protested .

  4. 嵩山历史古建筑群申遗项目防雷工程设计

    Lightning Protection Project Design of Songshan Ancient Architectures which Apply to the World Cultural Heritage

  5. 浅议杭州西湖申遗项目工程质量的监督管理

    On the quality supervision and management of west lake applying inherit project in Hangzhou city

  6. 清沈阳故宫申遗项目档案编撰任务的管理研究

    The Research on the Management of Document Compiling for Declaring Project of Shenyang Imperial Palace

  7. 扬州古运河在大运河体系中具有重要的地位,随着大运河申遗呼声渐高,从遗产运河角度出发,对扬州古运河进行系统的研究具有必要性和紧迫性。

    Yangzhou Ancient Canal has an important place in the system of the Grand Canal .

  8. 谨以此文抛砖引玉,以期引起对于中医药“申遗”问题的关注。

    We hope great attention should be paid on the application for World Immaterial Heritages with TCM .

  9. 运河是流动的文化&纵论京杭大运河保护和申遗

    Grand Canal : Flowing Culture

  10. 论京杭大运河申遗的法律认识及其保护

    Legal Speculation on Protection of Beijing - Hangzhou Canal An Imaginative Tour of the Grand Canal in Hangzhou

  11. “申遗”均需要先获得文化部的批准。所以今年,该协会召集了一个专家团队来缩短名单。

    So this year , the association is putting together a panel of experts to narrow down the list .

  12. 但是,一个不容忽视的事实是,我国的世界遗产保护工作往往也止于申遗。

    However , there is an undeniable fact that the protection of world heritage sites in China simply stops after the application and listing .

  13. 遗产廊道型资源旅游合作开发模式研究&以丝绸之路跨国联合申遗为例

    Research about Patterns of Interregional Tourism Cooperation on Exploiting Heritage Corridors Resources & Taking Silk Road Applying for Being a World Heritage for an Example

  14. 最后对申遗计划要作全盘考虑,加强管理、规划和监测工作,逐步实施。

    Last , the heritage declaration plan should be considered completely so as to strengthen the management , planning and monitoring and facilitate the gradual implementation .

  15. 历史与现代的对接&从殷墟申遗成功看安阳旅游业的发展

    A Linkage between History and Modern Tims & an Analysis of Tourism Development in An Yang from Succeeding in Applying for the WCH Regarding Yin Xu

  16. 西北丝绸之路旅游区合作开发研究&基于丝路申遗的视角分析

    The Research on the Cooperation and Exploration for Northwest Silk Road Tourist Areas in the Light of Declaration of the World Heritage of the Silk Road

  17. 侵华日军第七三一部队遗址申遗研究他的巡逻队阻抑了入侵部队,饥饿威胁着丹麦军队。

    The Cultural Heritage Applying for the World Studies Japanese Aggressor Troops 731 Armed Forces Ruins ; His patrols halted the raiding parties : hunger assailed the Danish army .

  18. 文章最后总结“天地之中”历史建筑群在申遗过程中的科学方法,试图为中国未来申遗之路寻找新思路。

    Finally , we analyze the scientific methods of the site in the process of applying for World Heritage try to explore new method in the course of application .

  19. 同时,解决非物质文化遗产传承人建档问题以及传承人在申遗过程中遇到的困难。

    At the same time to address the archiving of intangible cultural heritage issues , and transmission of human inheritance in " the inscription " the difficulties encountered in the process .

  20. 云南元阳哈尼梯田在申遗过程中,其文化价值和旅游价值日益得到重视。

    During the procedure of declaring Yuanyang Hani Terrace in Yunnan to be the world heritage , people begin to pay more attention to the terrace 's special values of culture and tourism .

  21. 在世界遗产运动的热浪下,特别是西湖申遗的成功,使得拥有南宋遗址的凤凰山重新受到了关注、开发与利用。树作为承载古人历史记忆、地方依恋方面有着重要的作用。

    In the craze for World Heritage movement , especially greatly encouraged by the successful application of West Lake , the Phoenix Hill together with palace relic once again received attention , development and exploitation .

  22. 日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  23. 申遗成功正好发生在2011年地震与海啸发生的1000天之后,当时引发的福岛核危机依然在持续。这令全球对日本从前备受推崇的食品产业的信心大跌。

    Its new status was confirmed exactly 1000 days after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami triggered the on-going Fukushima nuclear crisis , shattering global confidence in the safety of the nation 's previously respected food industry .

  24. 日本官员前前后后努力了20年,才让富士山进入世界遗产名录。今年6月,我和妻子前往日本的时候,申遗成功的消息成为日本的头版新闻。

    Officials had tried on and off for 20 years to have Mount Fuji named a World Heritage site , and its inscription was front page news in June , when my wife and I visited Japan .

  25. 申遗成功后,小毕辞掉工作离开大城市,带女朋友回了分水,想继承家传的手艺,助他老子一把力。

    After the umbrella was made world heritage , he resigned his job in a big city and returned to Fenshui with his girlfriend with the intention of carrying on his family craft and help his father .

  26. 自2008年7月7日福建土楼申遗成功后,作为福建土楼的重要组成部分,永定土楼成为世界各地游客关注的焦点。

    Fujian Earth Building has successfully become the World Heritage since July 7,2008 . As an important component of Fujian Earth Building , Yongding Earth Building has become the focus of attention of the tourists all over the world .

  27. 澄江化石地申遗成功使中国拥有首个化石类世界遗产,填补了中国化石类自然遗产的空白。

    China now has yet another UNESCO World Heritage Site . The Chengjiang Fossil Site in Yunnan Province has made the list , following hot on the heels of Inner Mongolia 's Xanadu 's inscription , which attained the honor over the weekend .

  28. 富士山将迎来人数骤增的游客。日本的其他世界遗产,比如岩手县的平泉,岐阜县的白川乡,日本南部的屋久岛,近年来申遗成功后,都出现了游客增加的现象。

    Mount Fuji is bracing for a big jump . Other heritage sites in Japan including Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture , Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture and Yakushima Island in southern Japan all saw an increase in visitors after they joined the list in recent years .

  29. 另外,通过对嵩山风景名胜区的实例考察和分析,希望能对该景区申遗成功之后的环境保护引起重视,进一步推动立法力度,使得这一文化遗产和自然景观更加源远流长。

    More importantly , through the investigation and analysis of Songshan Scenic area , great attention will be paid on environmental protection of Songshan Scenic Area after the success of world heritage application . To further promote legislative intensity will enrich and strengthen the cultural heritage and natural scenery .