
  1. 中国化石燃料环境污染治理重点及措施

    The key countermeasures of controlling fossil fuel environment pollution in China

  2. 交通运输业是中国化石能源消耗和二氧化碳等气体污染排放的主要行业之一。

    The transportation industry is one of the major industries of the present stage of China ' senergy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions .

  3. 中国猿人化石产地1960年发掘报告

    Report on the excavation of the CHOUKOUTIEN Sinanthropus site in 1960

  4. 中国人类化石研究对古人类学的贡献

    Contributions of the study on Chinese human fossils to Paleoanthropology

  5. 中国人类化石的主要发现和理论探索(1922&2009)

    Discovery of human fossils in China and related theoretical exploration ( 1922-2009 )

  6. 中国猿人化石产地鸵鸟蛋壳化石的显微结构和氨基酸组成

    On the amino acid composition and microstructure of fossil ostrich eggshells from Sinanthropus site , CHOUKOUTIEN

  7. 她是几年前在中国发现化石的科学家之一。

    She was one of the scientists who found the fossil in China several years ago .

  8. 现在使用最新的技术能大大减少其后缓减排放的成本,而且将其投入城市规划与基础建设之中就能使中国远离化石燃料支配的前景。

    Using the latest technologies now will greatly reduce mitigation costs later , as will investing in urban planning and infrastructure that moves China away from a fossil-fuelled future .

  9. 中国蚜虫化石(昆虫纲)的研究现状和问题(Ⅰ)中国蚜石化石的总结、分类修正与新化石名录汇成

    Present study condition of Chinese aphids ( insecta : homoptera ) and its problems )(ⅰ) summation of Chinese fossil aphids , emendation of aphid taxon and making of a new Chinese fossil aphid list

  10. 此后,中国昆虫化石分类学者先后发表了40余篇关于我国中生代鞘翅目化石昆虫的分类论著,共描述鉴定了182种,涉及35科,137属。

    After Grabau 's work nearly 40 publications dealing with the Mesozoic fossil Coleoptera of China have appeared , and the number of recorded species has increased to 182 . They are referred to 35 families and 137 genera .

  11. 2004年,中国因燃烧化石燃料而产生的人均二氧化碳排放量只有3.65吨,是全球平均数字的87%,是经合组织(OECD)成员国平均数字的33%。

    In 2004 , its per-capita emission of CO2 caused by the burning of fossil fuel was 3.65 tonnes – 87 per cent of the world average and 33 per cent of that of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries .

  12. 中国和西方化石人头骨面部三项非测量性状的比较

    The comparisons of three non-metrical traits on groups of human fossil skulls

  13. 直进演化抑或分支演化&中国的人类化石证据

    An agenesis or cladogenesis : hominid fossil evidence from China

  14. 中国恐龙蛋化石及其生态地层浅析

    The dinosaur egg fossils in China and their ecostratigraphy

  15. 中国还在非化石能源和森林方面设定了目标。

    There are targets for non-fossil energy and forests .

  16. 中国浙江新昌化石木研究

    Study on the Fossil Woods Found in Xinchang , Zhejiang Province , China

  17. 中国直翅目昆虫化石研究现状

    Current knowledge of research on Orthoptera fossils in China

  18. 中国中生代昆虫化石研究新进展

    Progress in the study of Mesozoic fossil insects during the last decade in China

  19. 中国古生代鱼类化石新知

    New finds of the Palaeozoic fishes from China

  20. 中国的遗迹化石研究

    Study of trace fossils in China Research

  21. 中国发现始祖鸟化石

    China discovers archaeopteryx fossils

  22. 然而,随着中国减少对化石燃料的使用,未来十年国内核电站数量预计将增加一倍以上。

    However , this is expected to more than double in the next decade as it moves away from fossil fuels .

  23. 中国恐龙足迹化石虽然保存较为丰富,但是由于学科发展的缺陷,使得中国恐龙足迹研究还是很薄弱。

    The study of dinosaur footprints is still weak for the limitation of the subject development though dinosaur remains are abundance in China .

  24. 在19世纪的中国,业余化石猎人年底知道的是,化石随时提供可在小巷中找到药剂师。

    At the end of the19th century in China , amateur fossil hunters knew that a ready supply of fossils could be found in backstreet Chinese apothecaries .

  25. 从1950年到2002年,中国因燃烧化石燃料而产生的二氧化碳排放量累计仅占同期全球总排放量的9.33%。

    From 1950 to 2002 , China 's CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels accounted for only 9.33 per cent of the global total in the same period .

  26. 中国出土的化石表明羽毛的前身呈简易的丝状结构,可能具有隔离热量的功用,这些简易丝状羽毛在陆地恐龙身上不断进化,直至后来才具备了飞行功能。

    But fossils from China suggest the precursors of feathers simple , filament-like structures possibly used for insulation evolved in landlubbing dinosaurs and were only later adapted for flight .

  27. 中国每年因化石燃料燃烧和水泥生产排放100亿吨二氧化碳,几乎是美国的两倍,但美国的人均排放量依然远远高于中国。

    Its emissions of 10 billion tons a year of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels and cement manufacturing are almost twice those of the United States , though emissions per person are still far higher in the United States .

  28. 中国古生代鱼类微体化石研究二十年

    20 years of the studies of Palaeozoic vertebrate microfossils from China

  29. 中国新出土恐龙化石有助了解人类听力进化过程。

    Chinese fossil find gives clue to ear 's evolution .

  30. 中国的真马化石及其生活环境

    Chinese Fossil Horses of Equus and Their Environment True Heroes