
  • 网络China Textile;chinese textile
  1. 以中国纺织大学信息管理研究所的系统开发流程重建作为高校科研模式改革的典范,系统阐述了其引入BPR重建的全过程,分析了原流程的系统结构,指出引用BPR重建流程的必然性。

    As a model of reforming the out-dated style of scientific research in university , this paper focuses on the remodeling of the system developing process in information management institute of China Textile University . Analyzing the system structure of original process .

  2. 中国纺织企业在俄罗斯跨国经营的探讨

    The Discussion of Multinational Trade of China Textile Enterprises in Russia

  3. 加入WTO后中国纺织服装企业面临的新问题与对策

    New problems and countermeasures of textile and garment industry after joining WTO

  4. WTO下中国纺织业如何应对反倾销

    How Can the Textile Industry of China Deal With Anti-dumping Under WTO Circumstances

  5. 中国纺织服装业如何应对WTO

    On ways of China 's Textile and Garment Industry Facing the Challenges of WTO

  6. WTO过渡期后特保措施对中国纺织服装产业的影响

    Impact of " Safeguard Measures " Taken against China 's Textiles and Garments after the Transition Period of WTO

  7. 在加入WTO以前,由于中国纺织工业的非成员国地位,在国际贸易中受到了关税和配额的限制。

    Before China 's entry into WTO , textile industry was restricted by the tariffs and quotas in the international business .

  8. 全面取消进口纺织品配额,意味着147个WTO成员国的纺织品出口不再受过去配额的困扰,可以开始自由贸易,这将极大促进中国纺织业的发展。

    The cancellation of quota meant that the 147 WTO members will not be disturbed by the quota quantity limit again .

  9. 同时,对加入WTO后中国纺织工业所面临的机遇与挑战进行了评析。

    Meanwhile , the paper appraises the opportunities and challenges that China 's textile industry is going to face after China joins WTO .

  10. ATC协议的完全实施对中国纺织行业竞争力的影响

    Influence of comp ete practice of ATC on the competing power of Chinese textile industry

  11. 随着中国纺织服装行业步入后配额时代,企业社会责任SA8000等非关税壁垒对中国纺织行业的影响越来越大。

    The non-tariff wall such as social accountability 8000 has more and more effect to China 's textile and apparel industry in post-quota age .

  12. SY纺织将不断提高运行质量和品牌含金量,努力引领中国纺织产业资本的市场化大潮。

    SY textiles will continue to improve the quality and brand gold , and strive to lead the Chinese textile industry tide of capital markets .

  13. 在分析后配额时代中国纺织服装企业实施OEM策略原因的基础上,提出了中国纺织服装企业发展的策略选择,阐述了服装企业品牌创立的重要性。

    After analyzing the reasons for OEM strategy adopted by textile and garment enterprises in the post-quota era , the author presented the strategy alternative for these enterprises and stated the importance of establishing a famous brand .

  14. EIU的研究显示,虽然中国纺织业正以每年6%的速度萎缩,但就电脑产品和有附加值的产品而言,中国仍然是制造业中心,而总体的零售业和服务业就更不用说了。

    While EIU research showed that the textile sector in China was shrinking at an annual rate of 6 per cent a year , China remains the hub for manufacturing of computer products and value-added goods , not to mention retail and services in general .

  15. 新汇率制度下中国纺织业的应对及发展

    Textile industry 's response and development under new exchange rate system

  16. 中国纺织行业出口增长:一个微观视角

    Research on Export Growth of Chinese Textile Industry in Micro Perspective

  17. 中国纺织服装业的必由之路&绿色营销

    The only way of textile and garment industry in China-Green marketing

  18. 中国纺织面料及辅料业形势分析

    Analysis of the situation of fabric and accessories industry in China

  19. 2006/07秋冬中国纺织面料流行趋势

    2006 / 07 A / W Chinese Textile Fabric Fashion Trend

  20. 中国纺织业的发展更是与国际市场的变化息息相关。

    Chinese textiles industry is closely connected with the international markets .

  21. 中国纺织服装业国际竞争力分析

    Research on International Competitive Power of China Textile and Clothing Industry

  22. 德国纺织机械制造商&中国纺织工业可靠的伙伴

    German Textile Machinery Manufacturers & Reliable Partners of China Textile Industry

  23. 中国纺织工业入世的竞争策略研究

    Study on China Textile Industry Competition Strategy after Joining the WTO

  24. 中国纺织产业国际竞争力的实证对比与评价

    Empirically Compare and Appraise the International Competitiveness of Chinese Textile Industry

  25. 中国纺织总会召开报刊工作会议

    The Publishing Working Conference Presided over by China National Textile Council

  26. 中国纺织服装业应对发展中国家反倾销的策略

    Countermeasures of Chinese Textile Clothing Industry to Anti-dumping from Developing Countries

  27. 积极推广高效能精梳机和配套工艺技术&中国纺织工程学会2000年全国高效能精梳机工艺技术交流研讨会会议纪要

    Actively Spread the High-efficacy Comber and It 's Processing Technology

  28. 中国纺织业布局和结构分析

    An Analysis of Layout and Structure of Chinese Textile Industry

  29. 中国纺织业,积极出击

    The textile Industry of China should launch an attack actively

  30. 中国纺织大学学报第17卷(1991年)总目录

    Contents of Volume 17 ( 1991 ), Journal of China Textile University