
  • 网络China Youth;Chinese Youth
  1. JET中国青年的工作增进了日本同中国的相互理解、交流与合作,在中日两国各地区的国际化进程中,特别是在推动中日两国间教育交流事业的发展中发挥了积极作用。

    The " JET Chinese youth " promote the mutual understanding , exchange and cooperation between Japan and China and play an active role in the development of the two countries ' educational exchange in the internationalization of China and Japan .

  2. 外发性条件下的近代中国青年形态

    On the Various Forms of Modern Chinese Youth under Outside-occurring Conditions

  3. 《中国青年报》在2010年4月进行的一项调查显示,在2072位被调查者中,有83%的人承认写字的时候会遇到“提笔忘字”的情况。

    A poll commissioned by the China Youth Daily in April 2010 found that 83 percent of the 2072 respondents admitted having problems writing characters , forgetting how to write traditional Chinese characters – literally .

  4. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)对所谓的拜“金”主义提出质疑,并称羽球赛场丑闻刺痛奥运神经。

    China Youth Daily questioned what it called China 's gold obsession and how the scandal has ' pricked the Olympic nerves . '

  5. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)最近一项调查发现,多数观众是抱着了解“育儿之道”的想法收看这档节目的,只有25.9%的人是冲着“明星家庭的隐私”去观看的。

    A recent survey by China Youth Daily found that most viewers watch the show for what they can learn about how to raise balanced children - and only a quarter watch it for a peek at celebrity family life .

  6. 基于MTM系统的中国青年女子体型分析及体数据信息系统的建立

    Analysis of Young Females ' Body Characteristics Based on MTM System and Establishment of Body Size Information System

  7. 结论:NEO-PI-R的个别条目稍加修改后很适合应用于中国青年人。

    Conclusion : The result shows NEO-PI-R with some of its items revised , is suitable for the application to young people of China .

  8. 中国青年干部院校发展之探索

    Exploration in the development of schools for youth cadres in China

  9. 中国青年女子足球运动现状研究

    Research into the Current Situation of Chinese Women 's Teenage Football

  10. 中国青年踝关节跖屈、背屈肌群力量的研究

    Ankle Plantar and Dorsal Flexor Muscles Strength in Healthy Young Adults

  11. 论政治发展进程中的中国青年网络政治参与

    China Youth Political Participation on the Internet under the Political Development

  12. 当代中国青年文化的后殖民特征

    On Youth Culture of Modern China in Post - colonist Situation

  13. 中国青年艺术家作品展,中国美术馆,北京。

    Chinese Young Artists Works Exhibition , Art Museum , Shanghai .

  14. 中国青年志愿服务日是哪一天?

    Q : Which date is the Chinese YV Service Day ?

  15. 中国青年报《冰点》周刊教育类报道研究

    China Youth Daily " Freezing Point " Reports Education Week Study

  16. 中国青年报报道了这两个阵营的观点。

    China Youth Daily has aired the views of both camps .

  17. 中国青年出版社与《红岩》的生产

    The China Youth Publishing House and the Produce of Red Crac

  18. 你要订阅《中国青年》杂志吗?

    Are you going to subscribe to the magazine China youth ?

  19. 当代中国青年政治参与初探

    A Trial Exploration of Political Participation of Modern Youth in China

  20. 新时期中国青年民族意识研究

    On National Consciousness of China Youth in the New Period

  21. 从人民日报、经济日报、中国青年报、中国消费者报、《新闻战线》、《中国记者》等报刊杂志中获取了许多有价值的资料。

    Obtaining the valuable information from People 's Daily and China Journalist .

  22. 体育参与的约束因素、参与动机与参与行为之关系研究&中国青年一代的实证分析

    Study on Relationship between Constraints , Motivation and Behavior of Sport Participation

  23. 新闻报道中的专家图像&对《中国青年报》专家意见报道的内容分析

    Content Analyses of the News Influenced by Professionals in China Youth Daily

  24. 马克思主义科学实践观形成与中国青年思想成长

    Forming Marxist Scientific Practice View and Elevating the Thinking of Chinese Youth

  25. 中国青年事务管理与服务体系的探讨

    Exploration in the management and service system for youth affairs in China

  26. 作为中国青年我们感到自豪。

    We 're proud to be young people of China .

  27. 中国青年团的夏季活动也是十分受欢迎的。

    The CYC 's summer activities are also quite popular .

  28. 中国青年军人抑郁特点及其相关因素研究

    A study on depression status and its related factors of young armymen

  29. 当代中国青年文化的回顾与反思

    Review and reflection on the youth culture in contemporary China

  30. 当代中国青年审美价值观实证研究

    On the Experimental Research on the Aesthetic Values of Contemporary Chinese Youth