
  • 网络Female circumcision;female genital mutilation
  1. 一部大胆揭露女性割礼的小说&读爱丽丝·沃克的小说《拥有快乐的秘密》

    Alice Walker s Possessing the Secret of Joy : A Daring Exposure of Female Circumcision ;

  2. 体现学者之间竞争的奇异效果的一个实例是最近就女性割礼问题进行的某些交流。

    As a case of the bizarre effects of competition between scholars , take some recent exchanges on female circumcision .

  3. 在这部小说中,塔西勇于反抗外来殖民者的文化侵略、反抗部落中残忍的女性割礼仪式。

    In this novel , Tashi bravely protests against the colonial invasion and the cruel female mutilation .

  4. 该组织还呼吁提高医疗质量,以及结束女性割礼等传统作法。

    The organization also calls for an increase in quality health care and an end to harmful traditional practices like female genital cutting .

  5. 比如说,女性割礼,这种仪式仍在进行,有些人一味地强调神学的地位。

    In a situation where , let 's say , female genital cutting is going on and some people perpetuate on theological grounds .

  6. 一结婚,女孩们就必须行所谓的女性割礼,有人谴责马萨等文化中的这种习俗,称之为女性生殖器切割。

    Traditionally the payment is made with cows , but today money can also be exchanged . When the marriage will soon take place , the girl must undergo a custom that some call female circumcision . Others denounce this practice followed in Masai and other cultures as female

  7. 女性生殖器割礼和产科结局:WHO在6个非洲国家协作的前瞻性研究

    Female genital mutilation and obstetric outcome : WHO collaborative prospective study in six African countries

  8. 她不仅深刻地揭露了黑人妇女在性别主义、种族主义及阶级压迫下生存的艰难和痛苦,而且还密切关注第三世界妇女的生存状况,对非洲女性的割礼风俗进行了猛烈的批判。

    She not only discloses the hard and miserable existence of the black women who suffer from the sexual , racial and class oppression but also pays close attention to the existence of the Third-World black women , criticizing harshly the tradition of female circumcision in Africa .

  9. 当今世界上,约有9,000万到1亿的女性接受过割礼。

    An estimated number of 90 to 100 million women around the world living today have been circumcised .

  10. 注:女性生殖器切割通常被称为“女性割礼”,包括出于文化、宗教或其他非治疗性理由,部分或全部切除女性外生殖器或对女性生殖器官进行其他伤害的所有程序。

    The causes of female genital mutilation include a mix of cultural , religious and social factors within families and communities .