
nǚ gāo yīn
  • soprano
女高音[nǚ gāo yīn]
  1. 她是莫斯科大剧院首席女高音歌手。

    She was the main soprano at the Bolshoi theatre .

  2. 女高音歌手是个来自加利福尼亚的壮硕姑娘。

    The soprano was a chunky girl from California .

  3. 她获得了“国际女高音”的美名。

    She gained a reputation as an international soprano .

  4. 她有着音质特别好的女高音歌喉。

    She possesses a soprano voice of unusually fine quality .

  5. 指挥挑选了一位女高音担任领唱。

    The conductor selected a soprano to lead the chorus .

  6. 歌唱声部分女高音、女低音、男高音、男低音。

    Soprano , alto , tenor and bass constitute the four vocal parts .

  7. 她说起话来悄没声儿的,可唱起歌来是条女高音甜嗓子。

    Her voice is very low when she speaks , but she has a lovely soprano singing voice .

  8. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  9. 唱歌的四个声部是女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音。

    The four parts in singing are soprano , alto , tenor and bass .

  10. 片头曲名为《新的一天》(ANewDay),由中央歌剧院(ChinaNationalOperaHouse)国家一级演员、女高音歌唱家尤泓斐演唱。

    The opening song named " A New Day " was presented by Yo Hong Fei , Chinese soprano from China National Opera House , national first-level actress .

  11. 歌剧《命运的力量》第四幕之《安宁,安宁》(Pace,pace,mioDio又译《上帝啊,请赐予我安宁》)是就是一首极具戏剧性色彩代表性的女高音咏叹调。

    The opera " Destiny Strength " fourth " Peaceful , Peaceful " ( Pace , pace , mio Dio translates " God , Please Grant Me Peacefully ") is has the theatrical color representative extremely soprano aria .

  12. 声乐评分2独唱女高音的声音,2女中音独唱的声音,3男高音独唱,男中音独唱2,SATB合唱和钢琴伴奏。

    Vocal score for2 soprano voice solos , 2 mezzo soprano voice solos , 3 tenor voice solos , 2 baritone voice solos , SATB chorus and piano accompaniment . Series : G.Schirmer Opera Score Editions .

  13. 女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。

    The soprano begins to sing amidst acclamation of the audience .

  14. 我认为她可以算是世界上第一流的女高音。

    I would place her among the world 's greatest sopranos .

  15. 那年轻的女高音歌手受到一著名指挥家的提携。

    The young soprano is take up by a famous conductor .

  16. 她歌儿也唱得很美&清脆的抒情女高音。

    She also sings very well & a clear lyric soprano .

  17. 她以演唱女高音开始,然后又改成了女低音。

    She began by singing soprano , then changed to alto .

  18. 威尔第为我们塑造出很多出色的女高音角色。

    Verdi for us to shape a lot of excellent soprano role .

  19. 阉人歌手:一名男性女高音歌手尤其适合他的工作。

    Castrato : A male soprano especially cut out for his job .

  20. 后,歌剧指挥开始挥动他的指挥棒,女高音的歌声随之响起。

    Waving his baton , and the soprano started singing .

  21. 他母亲曾是柏林国家歌剧院的女高音歌手。

    His mother had been a soprano with the Berlin State opera .

  22. 著名俄罗斯女高音歌唱家嘉琳娜·维什涅芙丝卡娅于今天去世,享年86岁。

    Famed Russian soprano Galina Vishnevskaya died today . She was 86 .

  23. 女高音的声音独奏和钢琴伴奏的一条。

    Single piece for soprano voice solo and piano accompaniment .

  24. 女高音将咏叹调唱得十分优美,观众爆发出热烈的掌声。

    The audience applauded after the soprano sang the aria so beautifully .

  25. 让他们学会唱女高音。

    Or we teach them how to sing soprano .

  26. 四重奏&(为女高音、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴作)女高音混声唱法训练的要点

    Main Points for a Training in Soprano Mixed Chorus

  27. 希拉正用走调的女高音在大声唱着。

    Sheila was singing loudly in an off-key soprano .

  28. 试论民族唱法女高音的嗓音调节

    A Exploration of Soprano Voice Fine-tune in Folk Music

  29. 我在俄罗斯歌唱东方夜莺在歌唱记韩国女高音歌唱家周淑眉

    I Sing Songs in Russia Korean Soprano Sui Jo

  30. 这是这位前女高音歌唱家今天的第三套靓丽服饰。

    It was the former soprano 's third glamorous outfit of the day .