
  • 网络Death;death metal
  1. 本体是一个旋律死亡金属乐队由芬兰。

    Noumena is a melodic death metal band from Finland .

  2. 死亡金属,黑金属,工业金属。

    Death Metal , Black Metal , Industrial Metal .

  3. 从此,死亡金属开始多元化,产生了丰富的分支风格。

    Since then , death metal has diversified , spawning a rich variety of subgenres .

  4. 1984年小样《死亡金属》和1985年专辑《七教堂》被看作是他们最有影响的作品。

    The1984 demo Death Metal and1985 album Seven Churches are regarded as their most influential material .

  5. 尽管饱受指责,死腔还是和死亡金属的暴虐或阴冷的歌词内容相配而展现了美学效果。

    Although often criticized , death growls serve the aesthetic purpose of matching death metal 's violent or bleak lyrical content .

  6. 这主要因为咕哝的唱腔为死亡金属从敲击金属中分离创造了条件。

    This is largely because of the grunted vocals which set the stage for death metal 's breakaway from thrash metal .

  7. 我合作过的音乐人有从事歌剧的,有做死亡金属的,还有做电子和流行音乐以及嘻哈音乐的。

    I 've collaborated with musicians who work in opera , death metal , electronic and pop music , and hip-hop .

  8. 死亡金属的唱腔常用喉吼、哼、嗥、低咯,也通俗地称作死腔。

    Death metal vocals are often guttural roars , grunts , snarls , and low gurgles colloquially called death grunts or death growls .

  9. 技术死亡金属:技术死亡金属和‘前卫死亡金属’是有关联的叫法,用于指明因乐曲复杂而成一派的乐队。

    Technical death metal : Technical death metal and'progressive death metal'are related terms that refer to bands distinguished by the complexity of their music .

  10. 死亡金属渐涨的人气可能部分由于挪威黑金属与瑞典死亡金属的激烈竞争。

    The genre 's mounting popularity may have been partly responsible for a strong rivalry between Norwegian black metal and Swedish death metal scenes .

  11. 被描述为技术死亡金属或前卫死亡金属的乐队通常混合了普通的死亡金属美学和前卫摇滚、爵士乐或古典乐的元素。

    Bands described as technical death metal or progressive death metal usually fuse common death metal aesthetics with elements of progressive rock , jazz or classical music .

  12. 读书或者听一些舒缓的音乐可以帮助你——不过要认真的选择,恐怖之王或死亡金属乐队在这个时候不适合。

    Reading a book , or listening to some relaxing music can help - although choose your material carefully ; this isn 't the time for Stephen King or Cannibal Corpse .

  13. 此外,死亡金属风格的大师们常辩护说自己的曲风不是一种极端的艺术和娱乐形式,类似电影业的恐怖片。

    Additionally , contributing artists to the genre often defend death metal as little more than an extreme form of art and entertainment , similar to horror films in the motion picture industry .

  14. 但技术死亡金属这一术语有时也用来描述既强调复杂性又关注速度和极端性的乐队,前卫和技术死亡金属之间的界线并不清晰。

    While the term technical death metal is sometimes used to describe bands that focus on speed and extremity as well as complexity , the line between progressive and technical death metal is thin .

  15. 死亡金属的常用装备是两把电吉他、一把低音吉他(贝司)、一位主音歌手(主唱)和一套爵士鼓(即架子鼓,普遍使用两个低音鼓或底鼓双踩踏板)。

    The setup most frequently used in death metal is two electric guitars , a bass guitar , a vocalist and a drum kit almost universally using two bass drums or a double bass drum pedal .

  16. 之前我问他对自己的音乐怎么看,他的音乐和最残酷的死亡金属与匪帮说唱一样有画面感,但却和死亡金属之类音乐不同,在女人当中拥有大量热情的拥趸。

    I had asked why he thought his music , which can be as graphic as the most brutal death metal or gangsta rap , has always found , in marked contrast to , say , death metal , such a wide and passionate following among women .

  17. 我喜欢听油渍摇滚、硬摇滚、硬蕊、重金属与死亡快速金属音乐。

    I like to listen to the grunge , hard rock , hard core , heavy metal and death thrush metal music .

  18. 本文通过对财产损害赔偿说的批判以及对死亡赔偿金的性质分析,得出死亡赔偿金属于死亡精神损害赔偿的结论。

    This article through the critique of " propertydamage " as well as analysis of the nature of the compensation for death , compensation for death metal death moral damage compensation conclusions .