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sǐ xíng
  • death penalty;death sentence;capital punishment;nameless death
死刑 [sǐ xíng]
  • [capital punishment;death penalty] 处死的刑罚

  • 判处死刑

死刑[sǐ xíng]
  1. 不断有人呼吁恢复死刑。

    There have been repeated calls to reinstate the death penalty .

  2. 有些人主张恢复死刑。

    Some people argue that the death penalty should be restored .

  3. 他因凶杀罪被判处死刑后被绞死。

    He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged .

  4. 本党会强烈反对恢复死刑。

    This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty .

  5. 你赞成还是反对死刑?

    Are you for or against the death penalty ?

  6. 去年执行了200多起死刑。

    Over 200 executions were carried out last year .

  7. 死刑过去被认为是非人道且不道德的。

    Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral .

  8. 这二人面临死刑。

    The two men are facing the death penalty .

  9. 法院有权因某些罪行判处罪犯死刑。

    The courts were empowered to impose the death sentence for certain crimes .

  10. 死刑是极易引起激烈争论的问题。

    Capital punishment is a highly emotive issue .

  11. 政府撤回资金,也就是对这项工程判了死刑。

    By withdrawing the funding , the government signed the project 's death warrant .

  12. 总统签署了死刑执行令。

    The President signed the death warrant .

  13. 他最初的死刑被减为终身监禁。

    His original death sentence was commuted to life in prison .

  14. 执行死刑的动机是要灌输恐惧。

    The motive of the executions would be to instil fear .

  15. 这是间谍罪,应判死刑。

    It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty .

  16. 该法案规定所有死刑判决都要自动接受审核。

    The bill provides for the automatic review of all death sentences .

  17. 一所军事法庭在他缺席的情况下判处他死刑。

    A military court sentenced him to death in his absence

  18. 检控方律师已警告说他们会努力争取判处死刑。

    The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty

  19. 他有权维持法庭判决,批准死刑生效。

    He can let the court 's decision stand and permit the execution

  20. 哈里斯案激化了人们对死刑的争论。

    The case of Harris has sharpened the debate over capital punishment .

  21. 议会于翌年表决对谋杀罪废除死刑。

    The following year Parliament voted to abolish the death penalty for murder

  22. 一些弑君者被判处死刑。

    Some of the regicides were sentenced to death .

  23. 如果我们支持死刑,那就背弃了我们立国的理念。

    We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment .

  24. 在那段时期不断有人试图恢复死刑。

    During that time there have been repeated attempts to reintroduce capital punishment .

  25. 被捕的那些人中有一人可能被判死刑。

    One of those arrested could face the death penalty

  26. 现在看来,将来议会不太可能恢复死刑。

    It 's now unlikely that future parliaments will bring back the death penalty

  27. 如果谋杀罪名成立,这两个年轻人都可能会被判处死刑。

    If convicted for murder , both youngsters could face the death penalty .

  28. 他们真的相信死刑具有威慑作用。

    They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent

  29. 只有特殊情况才允许执行死刑。

    Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances .

  30. 在是否应保留死刑的问题上,他已经让步了。

    He 's caved in on capital punishment .