
sǐ yǔ yán
  • dead language
  1. 我们过去常常抱怨自己是在浪费时间学一门死语言。

    We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning a dead language .

  2. 拉丁语被视为死语言。

    Latin is considered as a dead language .

  3. 许多学生在使用英语时,似乎把它当成拉丁语一样的死语言。

    Many tend to use the language as if it were a dead one like Latin .

  4. 并针对语言学研究对大众语言存在的偏见,认为在大众语言的研究中应着力处理好主动与被动、活语言与死语言、宽容与规范三个关系。

    In the light of linguistics'prejudice about popular language , moreover , it put forward how to deal with three relations in the research of popular language , relations of which are between initiative studying and passive studying , living language and dead language , tolerance and normalization .

  5. 如果我们不想学会说英文,英文对于我们便是死的语言(没有用处)。

    English would be a dead language to us if we do not try to learn speaking .

  6. 一般来讲,世界上的语言可分为两大类,即活的语言和死的语言。

    Generally speaking , there are two types of languages , i. e. dead language and living language .

  7. 拉丁语是一种足够死的语言,它毁灭了古罗马。

    Latin is a language as dead as dead can be . It killed the ancient Romans & and now it 's killing me .

  8. 从汉英对死的语言表达看文化与语言的关系英汉民族的思维差异及语言表达模式

    The Interrelationship between Culture and Language Evidenced by " Death " in Chinese and English ; Thinking Difference and Modes of English and Chinese Expressions

  9. 然而,这种对语言的空前焦虑,却并非真的是因为文言已经成为死的语言,必须由白话取而代之。

    However , the " anxiety ", by no means is really because the literary style already became a " died " language , and had to be replaced by the vernacular .

  10. 裘德收到文法书之后头一两月,对死了的语言捉弄他的卑鄙伎俩抱着深恶痛绝的态度。但是,他这种情绪实际上并没能维持多久。

    In the course of a month or two after the receipt of the books Jude had grown callous to the shabby trick played him by the dead languages .

  11. 《美国大城市的生与死》《模式语言》和《使用后评价》三部著作对建筑学和城市规划学领域有着深刻的影响。

    The three manuscripts , the Death and Life of Great American Cities , A Pattern Language and Post-Occupancy Evaluation , have influenced the fields of architecture and city planning .

  12. 本部分以甲寅和学衡派为个案,对新/旧、死/活的语言修辞方法及其对文学理论转型的影响作了研究,对这些论战的事实进行分析。

    This part , taking as cases the School of Jia Yin and the School of Xue Heng , analyzes the rhetorical devices of " new / old " and " life / death " and their influence on the transformation of literary theory .