
  • 网络death spiral
  1. 受此影响,RIM的市值在过去五年缩水约90%,其CEO正在努力让投资者相信该公司并没有陷入死亡螺旋。

    As a result , the company has lost about 90 % of its market value in the past five years , and its CEO is trying to convince investors the company isn 't in a ' death spiral . '

  2. 在近期内陷入死亡螺旋的可能性会反映到股价走势上。

    The possibility of a near-term death spiral is always priced in .

  3. 这引发了一个死亡螺旋。

    It triggered a death spiral .

  4. 北极气候变化图片。北冰洋的海冰进入一个“死亡螺旋”由于气温上升,科学家说到2008年。

    The Arctic Ocean 's sea ice is in a " death spiral " due to rising temperatures , scientists said in2008 .

  5. 那又会导致法国国债出现一定程度的贬值,用一位分析师的话来说,形成一个永无止境的“死亡螺旋”。

    That could lead to French bonds losing some of their value , in a never-ending " death spiral ," as one analyst termed it .

  6. 这引发了有关公用事业“死亡螺旋”的讨论:随着可再生能源变得更廉价,随着越来越小的客户群要支撑起庞大的基础设施,更多人将选择“脱网”。

    This has inspired talk of a " death spiral " in the utilities industry : as renewables become cheaper , and with a huge infrastructure being serviced by a decreasing pool of customers , more will go off-grid .

  7. 有一件事数年前(早在报纸陷入死亡螺旋之前)就已变得非常明朗,那就是,所有年龄段的人正在远离报纸,转而选择广播、电视和互联网等渠道了解自己关心的世事。

    It became clear years ago well before newspapers found themselves in a death spiral that people of all ages were increasingly turning away from newspapers , favoring radio , TV , and the Internet to keep them as informed about the world as they cared to be .

  8. 但裁员引发了一个劳动力-资本的死亡螺旋:裁员对员工不利,但事实证明它对股东更不利,银行股价下跌给员工造成了更大压力,并可能导致更多的裁员。

    But these lay-offs have set off a labour-capital death spiral : they are bad for employees but are proving even worse for shareholders , and the declines in the share prices of banks are putting yet more pressure on employees and will probably lead to more lay-offs .

  9. 眼见克莱斯勒的市场份额呈现死亡式螺旋下降,菲亚特会最终认识到这个不中用的公司还真就是不中用了。

    With Chrysler 's market share in a death spiral , Fiat will finally grasp that this dud is exactly that - a dud .