
sǐ wánɡ yuán yīn
  • cause of death
  1. 对死亡原因进行了调查。

    An inquest was held to discover the cause of death .

  2. 正在进行尸检以确定死亡原因。

    An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death

  3. 死亡原因被列为待定。

    The cause of death was listed as pending

  4. 尸体解剖是为了确认死亡原因。

    Examination of a cadaver is to determine the cause of death .

  5. 口腔癌术后短期内死亡原因及DNA定量分析

    Analyses of Causes of Shot-term Post-operative Death and DNA Quantitative Analysis in Patients with Oral Cavity Carcinoma

  6. 肾功衰竭是SLE的死亡原因。

    Renal failure is the most important cause of death in SLE .

  7. A组手术死亡率3.05%,B组为0.97%,两组主要死亡原因相似。

    Postoperative mortality was 3.05 % in group A and 0.97 % in group B. And main causes of postoperative death were similar in the two groups .

  8. 目的:心血管合并症是慢性肾脏病(ChronicKidneyDisease,CKD)病人最主要的死亡原因之一。

    Objective : Cardiovascular complication is one of the main causes of death of Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD ) patients .

  9. 死亡原因均为合并伤伴创伤性休克或感染性休克,导致MODS。

    The death causes was MODS resulted from traumatic and infections shock .

  10. 食管癌切除术后死亡原因及危险因素的多因素logistic回归分析

    The reason of operative death and operative risk factors in patients with esophageal cancer after esophagectomy by logistic regression model

  11. 后期死亡原因:MODS、ARDS、严重感染。

    Late causes of deaths : MODS , ARDS , Serious infections .

  12. 背景:肝细胞癌(HCC)是一种常见的恶性肿瘤和全球范围内癌症的主要死亡原因之一。

    Background Hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) is a common malignancy and one of the major reasons of death induced by cancer .

  13. 结论合并ARDS、颅脑损伤,腹部脏器损伤是其主要死亡原因。

    Conclusion : The main reason of death is complicated with ARDS . Contusion of brain , abdominal injury .

  14. GBS预后较好,自主神经损害是最主要的死亡原因。

    The prognosis of GBS is good , the damage of Autonomic Nerve is the main reason of death .

  15. 其主要死亡原因是感染性休克、MOF、ARDS及严重水、电解质紊乱及酸碱失衡。

    The main cause of death was septic shock 、 MOF 、 ARDS and severe disturbance of water-electrolyte 、 acid-base balance .

  16. 目的:回顾性分析急性肾功能衰竭(AcuteRenalFailureARF)的发病情况,总结,分析并探讨ARF的病因,死亡原因和病死率及对策。

    Objective : To survey and analyse the etiology , cause of death and countermeasure of acute renal failure ( ARF ), the incidence , etiology and mortality of ARF was retrospectively investigated .

  17. 脑血管疾病(cerebrovasculardiseases,CVD)以其高发病率、高死亡率、高致残率而严重危害人类健康,已成为人类三大死亡原因之一。

    For the high incidence , mortality and disability rates , cerebrovascular diseases ( CVD ) are seriously endangering man 's health ; it has become one of the three top death reasons in mankind .

  18. 结论:药疹、大疱性疾病、皮肌炎和SLE是皮肤科的主要致死疾病,继发感染是重要死亡原因。

    Con clu sions : Drug eruption , bullous diseases , dermatomyositis and SLE were the main skin diseases causing death . The most common cause of death was secondary infection .

  19. HCM病人的主要死亡原因是猝死与心力衰竭,猝死的主要机制为室性快速心律。

    The main causes of death of HCM patients are heart failure and sudden cardiac death , which the main mechanism is ventricular tachycardia .

  20. 目的:研究妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)胎盘超微结构改变,探讨ICP时胎儿宫内生长不良及死亡原因。

    Objective : To study the ultrastructural changes in placenta of Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ( ICP ) and to investigate the reasons of intrauterine growth retardation and intrauterine fetal death in ICP .

  21. 在死亡原因中,WBRT组死于脑转移比率为53.8%,较后两组高。

    53.8 % patients in WBRT died of brain metastasis and this rate was higher than that in other groups .

  22. 分析肾前性、肾实质性和肾后梗阻性ARF的各种病因,并对肾实质性ARF的病理及临床以及老年ARF的病因、临床特点、转归与死亡原因进行重点分析。

    It was emphasis analyzed about pathology and clinic of renal parenchymal ARF , Etiology , clinical manifestation , prognosis , cause of death of acute renal failure in the elderly .

  23. 在轻型急性胰腺炎(mildacutepancreatitis,MAP)中继发感染较为少见,其发生率低于1%,而在重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)约有40%~70%的病人发生继发感染,是最常见的死亡原因。

    Secondary infection is rarely few in mild acute pancreatitis and the incidence is below 1 % . The incidence of secondary infection is about 40 % ~ 70 % in patients with severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ), which is the primary cause of death .

  24. 死亡原因:死于继发性颅脑损伤2例,原发性颅脑损伤4例,严重合并伤与低血压休克3例,多器官功能衰竭(MODS)4例,肺部并发症1例。

    Died causes were secondary craniocerebral injury ( 2 cases ), primary 4 cases , serious combined injures and hypotensive shock 3 cases , multiple organs dysfailure ( MODS ) 4 cases , lung complication 1 case .

  25. 在第三章中给出了Penna模型的几个问题,包括Penna模型的死亡率分析、死亡原因分析以及共同祖先问题。

    In chapter three , we analyze the mortality and death reasons of individuals . We also study the common ancestor in Penna model .

  26. 脏器功能不全(OD)和多器官功能障碍综合症(MODS)是创伤的主要并发症和重要死亡原因之一,由于缺乏特异性治疗手段,临床上死亡率很高。

    Organ dysfunction ( OD ) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) are one of the major complications and important death cause of trauma , and the mortality is very high in clinic because of lacking special and effective therapeutic strategies .

  27. 方法回顾性分析62例MHD患者的临床资料,其中老年组31例、对照组31例,比较两组生存率、死亡原因、透析中不良反应及合并精神抑郁的发生率。

    Methods The clinical data of 62 cases were retrospective analysis . The patients were divided into two groups : the old group and control group . The survival rate , the death causes , the adverse reactions during dialysis and the incidence of psychal depression were analyzed .

  28. 记录患者气管插管前的格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)、呼吸功能(血气pH值、氧分压、二氧化碳分压和氧合指数)及死亡原因,以60d为观察终点。

    The observational endpoint was at day 60 . Patients ′ Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS ) score , respiratory function ( blood gas pH value , oxygen partial pressure , carbon dioxide partial pressure , and oxygenation index ), and the causes of death before tracheal intubation were documented .

  29. 目的分析75岁以上老年人原发性帕金森病(OEIPD)的临床特点和死亡原因,为改善OEIPD的治疗和预防提供资料。

    Objective To improve the therapeutic and preventive measures for old elderly patients ( 75 years and over ) with idiopathic Parkinson 's disease ( OEIPD ) .

  30. 佛山市南海区2004年居民死亡原因分析

    Analysis of death cause of resident in Nanhai District in 2004