
sǐ wánɡ rén shù
  • death toll
  1. 官方公布的死亡人数现已达7000人。

    The official death toll has now reached 7 000 .

  2. 死亡人数持续增加。

    The death toll continues to mount .

  3. 死亡人数总计为24人。

    The body count stands at 24 .

  4. 最初报道死亡人数约250,后修订为300。

    The death toll was initially reported at around 250 , but was later revised to 300 .

  5. 这次死亡人数是数以百计,而非几十人。

    This time the dead were numbered in hundreds , not dozens .

  6. 死亡人数使这篇报道具有了新闻价值。

    The number of deaths makes the story newsworthy

  7. 酒后驾车死亡人数在过去10年中下降了10%以上。

    Drunk driving fatalities have declined more than 10 percent over the past 10 years .

  8. 官方报道说死亡人数在100人以下,但非官方估计至少有200人死亡。

    Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred , but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead .

  9. 最后统计的死亡人数是3000人。

    The final count of the dead was three thousand .

  10. 该镇去年出生的人数比死亡人数多160人。

    There were 160 more births than deaths in the town last year .

  11. 公路上的死亡人数使警方大为震惊。

    The number of people killed on the roads appalled the police .

  12. 这是特别令人担忧的,她说,根据美国囯家精神健康研究院统计,厌食症导致的死亡人数比任何其他精神疾病更多。

    That 's especially worrying , she says , given that anorexia results in more deaths than does any other mental illness , according to the National Institute of Mental Health .

  13. 自1992年以来,死亡人数已经超过了出生人口的50%。

    Since 1992 the number of people dying has been bigger than that of those being born by a massive 50 % .

  14. 一种减少死亡人数的方法是使用太阳能烹饪设备。

    One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun .

  15. 这次空难的死亡人数是空前的。

    The air crash caused an unprecedented number of deaths .

  16. 据法新社报道,上周世界各地平均每天死亡人数达到了1.2万。

    Last week saw an average of 12000 deaths a day reported around the world , according to news agency AFP .

  17. 意大利因新冠病毒死亡人数继续下降,之前的24小时死亡人数超过400人。

    Over 23600 people have died from the coronavirus in Italy , as of Sunday . But the daily numbers have fallen four times in five days .

  18. 结果吻合口瘘并发率、死亡人数、平均住院天数有显著差异,P<0.05;

    Results There was a significant difference ( P0.005 ) in the complicated rate , the death rate and the average days of hospitalization of anastomotic fistula .

  19. 他在《极端的年代》(TheAgeofExtremes)一书中指出,斯大林主义恐怖导致的死亡人数更有可能是8位数,而不是7位数。

    In The Age of Extremes , he suggested that the deaths due to Stalinist terror are more likely measured in eight rather than seven digits .

  20. 专家们说,他们对于死于H1N1病毒的估测死亡人数大幅增加并不意外。

    The big increase in estimated deaths from the H1N1 virus isn 't a surprise , experts said .

  21. 据券商里昂证券(CLSA)估算,中国的煤矿事故死亡人数占全球总数的70%。

    China accounts for 70 per cent of global coal mining deaths , according to CLSA , the brokerage .

  22. 结核病是一种人兽共患的慢性消耗性传染病,是目前致死亡人数最多的传染病,由结核分枝杆菌复合群(Mycobacteriumtuberculosiscomplex,MTC)成员引起。

    Tuberculosis ( TB ) is a zoonotic , chronic and consumptive infectious disease with the highest death in infectious diseases of human . It was caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex ( MTC ) .

  23. 评估H1N1流感大流行的工作有时会在国内或全球范围内,将确认死亡人数与季节性流感的估计死亡人数进行比较。

    Efforts to assess the severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic sometimes compare numbers of confirmed deaths with those estimated for seasonal influenza , either nationally or worldwide .

  24. 脑型疟(cerebralmalaria,CM)是恶性疟原虫感染最严重的致死性并发症,病死率高达20%~50%,约占恶性疟死亡人数的50%。

    Cerebral malaria ( CM ) is the most severe complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection , whose mortality is as high as 20 % ~ 50 % . The death roll of CM is 50 % of malaria mortality .

  25. 我国每年HCC发病及死亡人数均占全球一半以上,大部分HCC发生在慢性肝疾病-肝硬化的基础上。

    HCC incidence and deaths of China account for more than half of those of the world . Most of HCCs in China are developed on the basis of the chronic liver diseases-liver cirrhosis .

  26. 方法:回顾性研究70例AIDS并发慢性腹泻患者的血液学改变(包括Hb、WBC、ESR)住院天数及死亡人数并对上述数据进行统计学处理。

    Methods : Hematological changes ( including Hb ? WBC ? ESR ) the duration of hospitalization and mortality were reviewed retrospectively in 70 cases of AIDS complicated with chronic diarrhea and these date were statistically handlead .

  27. 鉴于网上的种种谣言,JuliePlec透露本季终会有非常具有影响力的死亡人数。

    In light of many online rumors , Julie Plec revealed that there will be an influential death toll at the end of this season .

  28. 高温引发的死亡人数在急剧上升,各大医院疲于应对大批涌入的伤员,太平间也已经达到人数上限。在这样的形势下,巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(NawazSharif)于周二宣布进入紧急状态。

    Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif declared an emergency on Tuesday as the death toll from the heat wave soared , with overwhelmed hospitals struggling to treat a surge of casualties and morgues filling to capacity .

  29. 但是据积极分子称,死亡人数最多的是在南部Deraa附近的三个小镇,这里的抗议活动五个月前就已经开始。

    But the majority of the killings , according to activists , were in three towns close to the city of Deraa , in the far south , where the uprising began five long months ago .

  30. 因此,死亡人数不断攀升

    As a result , the death toll just keeps rising .