
sǐ jiǎo
  • dead angle;dead space;blind angle;blind side;a spot as yet untouched by a political movement, etc.
死角 [sǐ jiǎo]
  • (1) [dead angle;dead space;blind angle]∶防御工事外部的一个角度,防御一方的直接火力不能达到这个角度

  • (2) [a spot as yet untouched by a political movement, etc.]∶比喻形势、风气等没有影响到的地方

  • 卫生死角

死角[sǐ jiǎo]
  1. 设备无死角,装卸料轻便快捷,清洗方便,符合GMP规范。

    No dead angle , material loading and unloading fast , easy cleaning , meeting GMP standards .

  2. 然而国内中小企业几乎成了ERP应用的死角,虽然很多企业有上ERP系统的需求和愿望,但中小企业特别是小企业中ERP实施率和实施成功率都很低,不到3%。

    However domestic middle and small enterprises have become the dead angle for ERP application . Although many domestic enterprises have the demand for ERP , but the proportion of ERP utility is very low , less than 3 % .

  3. 他试图在一个死角处超过前面的三辆车,结果一头撞在了一辆卡车上。

    He tried to overtake three cars on a blind corner and crashed head-on into a lorry .

  4. 透明度:私有软件有很多阴暗的死角,隐藏著许多Bug。

    The transparency is avoid though some private software has many dark corners and hidden bugs .

  5. 技术死角:这指的是不能在计划Sprint或迭代中完成的工作。

    Technical debt : This refers to the work , which could not be done within the planned Sprint or Iteration .

  6. 由于反应器结构上存在死角和短路,其F(t),E(t)并非理想状态。

    Due to the blind angle and short circuit on the reactor structure its F ( t ), E ( t ) are not concerned as ideal as they are finally .

  7. 研究结果表明采用直角模,Sn&Pb共晶合金超塑性挤压和纯Pb常规挤压都存在着金属死角区。

    It was found that with a square die a dead metal zone existed in both a superplastic extrusion of the Sn-Pb eutectic alloy and a conventional extrusion of pure lead .

  8. 通过对控制策略的优化,采用模糊预测-PID复合控制,使控制器结合了模糊预测控制以及模糊PID控制的优点,使列车制动过程的控制没有死角,始终处于最优状况。

    Through the optimization of control strategies and using fuzzy predictive-PID compound control , the controller has more merit included predictive control and fuzzy control and makes the control of high-speed train braking process at optimal status throughout , which has no blind side of control .

  9. 该方案具有对现有LTE协议改动小、成本低、不引人干扰、灵活性强、空洞及死角覆盖无遗漏的优点,仿真结果表明该方案可以有效地提高系统吞吐量。

    This method has the advantage of less standard change requirement , lower cost , no interference introduced high flexibility and more effective coverage . The simulation result shows that it can effectively improve the system performance .

  10. 全景图像是IBR中的一种利用图像生成360°无死角漫游的场景的方法,现在已经成为了场景建模的重要手段。

    Panoramic picture , one method of IBR which turning pictures into from all angles scene and can around roaming , have already become the important modeling means of the scene now .

  11. 硫磺回收装置长期在高温高硫环境下运行,容易腐蚀生成硫化亚铁(FeS)并在管线、设备死角和反应器内积聚。

    Ferrous sulfide ( FeS ) is formed as corrosion results in sulfur recovery units operated under the conditions of a long period of high temperature and high sulfur which deposit on pipelines , equipment and reactors .

  12. 这家饭店没有太平梯,是个十足的消防死角。

    The hotel have no fire escape it a real firetrap .

  13. 表态不当而让公司陷入死角是第三项罪责。

    Painting the company into a corner is offence number three .

  14. 混合无死角,出料既快又干净;

    No dead corner in mixing and fast and clean discharge ;

  15. 首先,得把他逼上死角

    First , you have to force it into a corner .

  16. 一种解决车辆抽样死角问题的方法

    A Method of Solving Problem of Vehicles Sampling Dead Space

  17. 因此,让我们走出由来已久的指责和偏见的死角吧。

    So lets emerge from the familiar corners of blame and prejudice .

  18. 过滤介质表面非常光滑,没有任何残留物的死角。

    Very smooth surface of elements , no trapped residues .

  19. 在这些被忽略的公共卫生死角中,可有“他人”的概念?

    Is the concept of'others'seen in these neglected corners of public hygiene .

  20. 一个人被逼到死角时是有可能成为最凶猛的人。

    A person who cornered could be the fiercest one .

  21. 尤其是现在,你被逼到死角。

    Never more than now , when you 're cornered .

  22. 流化床为圆形结构避免了死角。

    This fluid-bed is round structure . So it avoid died corner .

  23. 我要去阿谁死角并且转弯儿。

    I 'm going to that corner there and turn .

  24. 巡检人员进行巡视检查时,要认真细致,全面具体,不留死角。

    The inspectorattendant shall carry out patrol inspection carefully and thoroughly without missing .

  25. 有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。

    Some toilets seem immune to the clean-up campaign .

  26. 旋流流态化,克服了沟流及死角现象。

    Fluidization of rotational low , it overcomes channel low and dead corner .

  27. 在高大房式仓机械通风网络中存在的死角问题极不利于粮食的安全储藏。

    The dead angles in mechanical ventilation network impair safe storage of grain .

  28. 减少社会防控死角完善侦查工作

    Cutting down the Dead Angle of Social Defense and Controlling Perfecting Spy Job

  29. 但是不要因为过于死板而把自己逼到死角里。

    But don 't paint yourself into a corner by being overly inflexible .

  30. 全球面无死角的全方位视觉传感器的设计

    Design of omni-directional vision sensors with full sphere view and without dead angle