
fǔ shí
  • corrosion;etch;corrode;corrupt;deep etch;pervert
腐蚀 [fǔ shí]
  • (1) [corrode;etch]∶由化学或由化学作用使物体消耗或破坏(例如铁在大气中的生锈)

  • (2) [corrupt]∶使人在坏的思想、坏行为等因素影响下堕落

  • 注意不要让她腐蚀他

腐蚀[fǔ shí]
  1. 他设计了一种能够避免腐蚀或氧化的金丝制作流程。

    He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise

  2. 酸使金属腐蚀。

    Acid causes metal to corrode .

  3. 所有的飞机都在接受检查,看是否可能有裂纹和腐蚀现象。

    All planes are being inspected for possible cracking and corrosion .

  4. 我认为这本书会腐蚀儿童。

    In my view this book would deprave young children .

  5. 有些人认为,电视能腐蚀儿童的心灵。

    Some people believe that television can pervert the minds of children .

  6. 铜管有几处受到了腐蚀。

    The copper pipework has corroded in places .

  7. 寻找腐蚀的痕迹。

    Look for signs of corrosion .

  8. 工程师说钚可能会开始从遭腐蚀的潜艇往外渗透。

    Engineers said that plutonium could begin seeping from the corroded sub.

  9. 别忘了,这东西具有腐蚀性;戴上手套或用勺子。

    Remember that this is caustic ; use gloves or a spoon .

  10. 锌被用来保护其他金属不受腐蚀。

    Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion .

  11. 工程师们发现该建筑已经受潮腐蚀。

    Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture

  12. 酸雨毁坏树木,腐蚀建筑物。

    Acid rain destroys trees and corrodes buildings .

  13. 在工业上,金刚石可以用作工具表面坚固、耐腐蚀的覆盖层。

    In industry , diamond can form a tough , non-corrosive coating for tools .

  14. 罐装的甜饮料会腐蚀牙齿。

    Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth .

  15. 钠和硫磺腐蚀性很强。

    Sodium and sulphur are highly corrosive .

  16. 有些窃贼用汞水腐蚀他们的镣铐。

    Some thieves have eaten off their irons with mercury water .

  17. 如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀。

    Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean .

  18. 拒腐蚀,永不沾。

    Be immune from corruption .

  19. 这些塑料不受酸的腐蚀。

    These plastics can resist the action of acids .

  20. 雨水腐蚀铁管子。

    The rain water bites in iron pipes .

  21. 这些不同的晶面,具有很不相同的化学性质,特别是对化学腐蚀剂的反应不一致。

    The chemical properties of these surface differ considerably , particularly in their reaction to etchants .

  22. 强酸腐蚀金属。

    Strong acids attack metals .

  23. 管材的选择主要取决于烟气的腐蚀性程度。

    Selection of tubing material is dictated to a large degree by the aggressiveness of the stack gases .

  24. 人们还要求水的硬度及固体含量都低,无腐蚀性,不生成水垢。

    The public desires water which is low in hardness and total solids , noncorrosive , and non-scale-forming .

  25. 一条腐蚀性的水沟才能保护幼鸟不被捕食者伤害。

    The baby birds are kept safe form predators by a corrosive ditch .

  26. 湖水的腐蚀性非常强,以至于他能灼伤无法适应的动物的皮肤和眼睛。

    The water is so corrosive that it can burn the skin and eyes of unadapted animals .

  27. 在最坏的情况下,时间具有腐蚀作用,而且使人更为愚钝

    At its worst it is corrosive and it is stultifying .

  28. 它污染人们的审美趣味,腐蚀社会精神。

    It will pollute people 's aesthetic taste and corrode social spirit .

  29. 她认为这些书腐蚀儿童的心灵。

    She thinks these books pollute the minds of children .

  30. 你的心胸里有什么东西已经给掐死了,烧死了,腐蚀掉了

    Something was killed in your breast : burnt out , cauterized out .