
  • 网络death philosophy
  1. 死亡哲学表明,死对于生的否认恰恰使生成为可能。

    Death philosophy suggests that death 's denying survival makes survival just quite possible .

  2. 与此同时,在黑格尔的死亡哲学那里,上帝之死亦同时伴随着人之死。

    In Hegel 's death philosophy , the death of God is accompanied by the death of man .

  3. 生存意识的觉醒与生命哲学的现代转型&兼及郑晓江教授的死亡哲学观

    Wakening of Survival Awareness and Modern Transition of Living Philosophy

  4. 东西方文化与艺术,具有相似的死亡哲学和死亡美学的观念。

    Cultures and arts of the east and west have similar concepts in philosophy and aesthetic of death .

  5. 博尔赫斯的死亡哲学

    Death philosophy of Borges

  6. 西方死亡哲学将死亡定义为人生的警醒者,激发人们质疑现有的人生价值,追求人生的真谛。

    Western Death Philosophy defines death as a warner of life so as to help questioning the value of life and finally find the truth of life .

  7. 死亡哲学试图唤醒人们对于死亡的感知,从而激活人的生命意识,更好地求证生命的本义。

    Thus , for the sake of stimulating survival awareness , and furthermore , proving the essence of survival , death philosophy attempts to waken man 's feelings about death .

  8. 通过对爱米丽父亲之死、荷默之死以及爱米丽之死进行解读,可发现福克纳的死亡哲学以及它与其时间观的关系。

    Through the death of Emily 's father , of Homer , and of Emily , the article sheds light on Faulkner 's philosophy on death , and its relationship with his conception of time .

  9. 庄子死亡文化哲学新论

    The New Thesis of Zhuangzi ′ s Death Cultural Philosophy

  10. 本科目旨在探讨中西文化传统对死亡之哲学反省。

    This course examines the philosophical reflection on death in both Western and Chinese culture .

  11. 余华把目光放在了死亡的哲学层面上的默想,借助死亡思考生存。

    Yuhua has focused on the philosophy of death , thinking of life in view of death .

  12. 死亡文化哲学,是指从哲学角度研究与死亡相关的各种社会文化现象的学科,即用文化哲学的视角审视在死亡阴影下人类生命的种种挣扎与抗争。

    Death culture philosophy is a subject that searches various social cultural phenomena related with death from the view of philosophy . It examines the human being ′ s struggling in the shadow of death through the view of cultural philosophy .

  13. 对死亡问题作哲学的理性思考,人生境界才能超越生命的自然意义。

    Reflections on death from the philosophical perspective will promote the transcendence over natural life .

  14. 超越死亡的道家生死哲学观

    Taoists ' Philosophy : Beyond Life and Death

  15. 从对死亡的缺失思考谈死亡的哲学内涵

    On the Philosophical Meaning of Death through the Absence of Reflection on Death