
rén zhèng
  • benevolent government;policy of benevolence
仁政 [rén zhèng]
  • (1) [policy of benevolence]∶宽厚待民,施以恩惠,有利争取民心的政治方略

  • 夫仁政,必自经界始。--《孟子》

  • (2) [benevolent government]∶仁慈的统治措施

仁政[rén zhèng]
  1. 我们对反动派决不施仁政。

    We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries .

  2. 孟子的仁政思想及其哲学基础

    Mencius Thought For The Policy Of Benevolence And Its Philosophical Basis

  3. 孟子的仁政学说与和谐社会的构建

    Benevolence Politics Doctrine of Mencius and Construction of The Harmonious Society

  4. 简析孟子仁政思想的实质

    The Essence of Mencius 's Ideas on the Benevolent Government

  5. 试论贾谊仁政思想的哲学基础

    Philosophical Basis of Jia Yi 's Idea of Benevolent Policy

  6. 儒家思想之所以在漫长的封建社会里占据统治地位,在一定程度上得益于它所首倡的仁政学说。

    Confucian thinking is dominated in the long feudal society .

  7. 公正是仁政的要素。

    Justice is an important element of good government .

  8. 孔子主张行“仁政”。

    Confucius proposed the performance of a benevolent policy .

  9. 借鉴孟子仁政思想的精华构建社会主义和谐社会

    Learning from Mencius ′ Theory of Benevolent Government to Construct Socialism Harmonious Society

  10. 李翱强调等级制、明君临政和仁政的政治思想正是其经世致用的经学思想和人性思想外化。

    His politics and academic thought was also the practice of his philosophy .

  11. “仁政”思想的理论基础是“性善”论。

    The theory of benevolent governance is based on the conception of primary kindness .

  12. 仁政学说是孟子最重要的政治思想。

    And the policy of benevolence is the most important political thought of Mencius .

  13. 其仁政措施主要体现在征税政策上。

    His benevolent policies are mostly about taxation .

  14. 孟子思想体系的核心是仁政思想,他的圣人理想是为其王道的社会理想服务的。

    The core of Mencius ' system is his ideality of " Kingcraft " .

  15. 孟子的仁政学说

    Mengzi 's theory of the politics of benevolence

  16. 仁在政治上的反映就是仁政。

    Benevolence in political reflection is benevolent .

  17. 儒家民本思想是儒家仁政理想的实践。

    Confucian people-oriented thoughts was the practice of Confucian ideal of " Benevolent Governance " .

  18. 所以,以政府的政策去推行仁政终归是有问题的。

    Therefore , it is of problem that benevolent governance is implemented through governmental policy .

  19. 说到“施仁政”,我们是要施仁政的。

    Speaking of the " policy of benevolence ", we are of course for it .

  20. 他主张以仁政和王道来治理国家。

    He advocated benevolent and kingly rule .

  21. 重做诚实仁善的人。重点应当放在大仁政上。

    To become honest and good once more ; On the policy of greater benevolence .

  22. 这样的看法带来了“仁政爱民”的政策、强大的经济与商业,

    This view led to humane policies , a strong economy and the commercial enterprise ,

  23. 孟子的“仁政”思想在其思想体系中占有重要地位,其形成有着独特的历史渊源。

    Mencius thought of " benevolent government " occupies an important position in his ideological system .

  24. 李退溪对孟子仁政说的继承与发展。

    The inheritance and development of Li Tuixi 's theory of benevolent government toward Mencius ' .

  25. 仁政·性善·浩然之气&孟子精神世界的再认识

    Benevolent Government · Born Good · Noble Spirit & A Re-cognition of Mencius ' Spiritual World

  26. 匾额上的字“寿协仁符”意思是施仁政者能长寿。

    The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life .

  27. 孟子继承和发展了孔子的为政以德思想,提出了一个新的理论:仁政学说。

    Mengzi inherited and developed Confucian thoughts of exercising government on moral principles into his own theory .

  28. 仁政是中国传统政治哲学的核心理念。

    " Benevolent government " is the core theory in the traditional politics and philosophy in China .

  29. 前一种是小仁政,后一种是大仁政。

    The first is a policy of lesser benevolence and the second a policy of greater benevolence .

  30. 第三部分,研究仁政思想对当前社会主义和谐社会的启示。

    The third part , the research on the current of thought of socialist harmonious society enlightenment .