
sǐ hǎi
  • the Dead Sea
死海[sǐ hǎi]
  1. 死海旁边的山洞里发现了古代的卷轴。

    Ancient scrolls were found in caves by the Dead Sea .

  2. 但是用10000只死海蜗牛只能生产出一克紫色染料…还有一股很难闻的味道!

    But10.000 dead sea snails got you just one gram of purple dye … as well as a very bad smell !

  3. 今天被称作《死海古卷》(TheDeadSeaScrolls)。

    Today is called as " Dead sea Ancient Volume "( The Dead Sea Scrolls ) .

  4. Excel在约旦18号死海海堤沉降监测中的应用

    The Application of Excel in the Settlement Monitoring of Dike 18 of the Dead Sea in Jordan

  5. 他们的家庭厨师弗蕾维亚·潘塔莱奥(FlaviaPantaleo),在她位于鲍格才别墅(VillaBorghese)东边的公寓里接待了我,让我明白了我做的阿马特里西酱为何尝起来就像死海的海水一样咸。

    Flavia Pantaleo , the cesarina who welcomed me into her apartment east of Villa Borghese , showed me why my attempt at an amatriciana tasted like a mouthful of water from the Dead Sea .

  6. 位于俄罗斯的Baskunchak湖是一个内陆盐湖,较之我们以前介绍过的死海和bogdo山,她具有更好的医疗价值。

    Lake Baskunchak is a salt lake which healing effect excels that of the Dead Sea and Mount Bogdo , which we have already mentioned in one of our previous articles .

  7. 一条从地中海延伸到死海的地下隧道。

    A tunnel running from the Mediterranean into the dead sea .

  8. 你去了游泳之后,现在我们只剩下死海了。

    You went swimming , and now we have the dead sea .

  9. 以色列与约旦宣布联手保护死海

    Israel and Jordan announced joint protection for the Dead Sea

  10. 死海的水含盐量如此高以至于游泳者不会沉下去。

    The Dead Sea is so salty that swimmers won 't sink .

  11. 死海古卷证实了旧约的年代日期。

    The Dead Sea Scrolls support the dating of the Old Testament .

  12. 死海中的水就是这个样子。

    That is what the water is like in the Dead Sea .

  13. 这就说清了是什么使死海的水如此的咸。

    This explains what makes the Dead Sea so salty .

  14. 你知道死海文书为何被藏起?

    Do you know why the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden away ?

  15. 她出生时,死海刚开始变咸。

    When he was born , the Dead Sea was just getting sick .

  16. 旅行者可以从约旦远望,视线越过约旦河西岸地区,欣赏死海的美丽落日。

    Travelers enjoyed their view from Jordan looking out over the West Bank .

  17. 这两个国家都从死海的水中提取钾碱、溴和盐。

    Both countries extract potash , bromine , and salt from the water .

  18. 死海的盐和异国举行油脂。

    Hold the dead sea salts and exotic oils .

  19. 约旦以色列就筹建死海运河计划非正式接触

    Jordan and Israel Contact Informally for Plans to Build A Dead Sea Canal

  20. 克丽奥佩特拉与希律王都曾在死海的海水中漂浮过。

    Cleopatra and King Herod floated in these waters .

  21. 死海是于世界上最低的地方,比海洋低于416米。

    At the lowest point on earth , 416 meters below sea level .

  22. 与死海矿物和珍珠粉。

    With Dead Sea Minerals and Pearl Powder .

  23. 死海的海面低于海平面。

    The Dead Sea is below sea level .

  24. 这是著名的死海特百惠牌塑料盒;

    This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware .

  25. 但事实上,死海的确是一个非常特别的地方。

    But the reality is that the Dead Sea is a very special place .

  26. 死海实际上是一个湖泊。

    The Dead Sea is really a like .

  27. 我记得在死海东岸的马察达和罗马人战斗。

    I remember fighting the Romans at masada .

  28. 巴勒斯坦的一个古国,位于死海与亚喀巴湾之间。

    An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba .

  29. 你可以在死海中很容易的漂浮起来,因为它有很多盐。

    You can float very easily in the Dead Sea because it is so salty .

  30. 科学家指出,不出50年,死海将会缩小为目前面积的一半。

    Scientists say the sea could shrink to half its current size within fifty years .