
běi wěi
  • North Latitude;northern latitude
北纬 [běi wěi]
  • [North Latitude] 自赤道平面向北度量的纬度或纬线。亦称北纬度

北纬[běi wěi]
  1. 河南板内北纬35°构造带的主要特征

    The main characteristics of tectonic zone in northern latitude 35 ° of Henan Intraplate

  2. 用此法分析了我国北纬35°和45°地区四种进化类型的大豆种子。

    The soybean seeds of four evolutionary types at Northern latitude 35 degrees and 45 degrees had been analyzed .

  3. 北京位于东经116度,北纬40度。

    Beijing is located at 40 ° N and 116 ° E.

  4. 这个城市靠近北纬40度。

    This city is close to the fortieth parallel of North latitude .

  5. 该研究的独特之处在于其规模之大,它囊括了六万多个来自北纬各地区的测量结果。

    What sets this study apart is its scale – more than 60000 plant measurements all across northern latitudes8 .

  6. 西漂的地理分布特征是北纬40~80°N和南纬70~80°S之间西漂速度较小,0~60°S之间西漂速度较大。

    The geographic distribution of westward drift were large in 40 80 ° N and 70 ~ 80S and were small in 0 60 ° S.

  7. X值(北纬度)变化幅度较大,Y值(东经度)较为稳定;

    The change range of x for positioning , north latitude , is rather big . And the , east longitude , is steady .

  8. 山旺盆地位于东经118°E,北纬36°N,是一个中新世中期内陆湖泊沉积盆地。

    The Shanwang Basin is located at 36 ° N , 118 ° E , and is an interior lake basin of middle Miocene age which contains abundant plant and animal fossils .

  9. 与此同时,对大震前后P波、S波最大振幅比值分布和S波偏振角空间分布进行研究发现,北纬22°57′可能是澜沧、耿马两地区介质差异的分界面。

    Study on the distribution of maximum amplitude ratio of P-and Swaves and spatial distribution of S-wave polarization angles before and after the earthquakes shows the line of 22 ° 57 ′ north latitude may be the medium boundary between Lancang and Gengma areas .

  10. Tropics一字本义指约自北纬23度至南纬23度之间的地区;它暗指暑热。地球纬度是从赤道向南或向北以度数来表示。

    The word " Tropics " means the area between about 23 ° N and 23 ° S ; it connotes heat . Terrestrial latitude is measured in degrees north or south from the equator .

  11. 采用性腺败育(GD不育)作为标准检定方法,对我国东部沿海14个地方的(北纬20°~40°)黑腹果蝇的P因子活性和细胞型进行了测定。

    Using gonadal dysgenesis ( GD ) as the standard method of assays , the P element activity and cytotypes of 14 strains collected from eastern part of coastal areas in China have been measured , which are situated from 20 ° north latitude to 40 ° north latitude .

  12. 根据震源深度的分布,在台湾台东县东南部海域,即东经120°120°30′、北纬22°23°范围,存在一个V字形地震震源带底面。

    Based on the distribution of focal depths , there is a ' v - shaped ' focal zone bottom beneath southeastern sea area of Taidong county , Taiwan , that is , in the area of 123 ° 30 - 123 ° 00E , 22 ° - 23 ° N.

  13. 结果:道地金银花的分布受GBS制约,主要分布于北纬34°-36°、东经113°-118°的大陆性暖温带季风性半干旱气候区内。

    Result : The distribution of genuine Flos Lonicerae was restricted by GBS , which was mainly restricted in the temperate continental monsoon semi-arid climate zone between north latitude 34-36 ° and east longitude 113 - 118 ° .

  14. 2002年6月29日在吉林汪清(北纬43.5°,东经130.6°)发生Mb7.2地震,震源深度593km。

    An M_b 7.2 earthquake occurred in Wangqing , Jilin Province ( 43.5 ° N , 130.6 ° E ) on July 29,2002 , at depth of 593 km .

  15. 考察结果:北纬36°线上海拔3300m的高原,其uv线的辐射强度是同纬度平原处的2.01倍,故高原居民是强烈uv线伤害的主要对象。

    Abstract ; The measurement shows that the UV ray intensity on the 36 ° north latitude plateau 3 300m above sea level is 2.01 times stronger than that on the same latitude flatland area . So the plateau residents are the main victims of strong UV ray .

  16. 研究1996至1997年用D2类山羊草的粗厚山羊草4X,6X种细胞质小麦核代换系及其核亲本在我国北纬25°01′至47°08′的5个地点种植。

    Wheat nucleus substitution lines in the Aegilops Crassa 4X and 6X cytoplasm and wheat strains of their parents were sown in the five locations between north latitude 25 ° 01 ′ N to 47 ° 08 ′ N of China .

  17. 中国北纬23°带氧化锰矿

    The manganese dioxide mines of 23 ° north latitude in China

  18. 这座岛位于北纬10度。

    The island lies at a latitude of ten degrees north .

  19. 北纬25度临近于北回归线,具有明显的回归带特征。

    Latitude25N , has the obvious characteristic of tropic area .

  20. 中国的大部份处于北纬二十度至四十度之间。

    Most of China lies between 20 degrees and 45 degrees North .

  21. 不列颠群岛在北纬五十度和北纬六十度之间。

    The British Isles lie between latitude 50'N and latitude 60'N.

  22. 二是北纬30°的宜茶气候条件;

    Climatic condition is suitable for tea growing ; c.

  23. 这也是蛇不能生存在北纬69度和南纬69度以外地区的原因。

    That is why snakes cannot survive north or south of 69 latitude .

  24. 北纬30°&优质茶叶产区带

    Thirty Degrees North Latitude-High Quality Tea Production Belt

  25. 北纬30度崛起的又一辉煌

    Another Splendor Rising at 30 Degrees North Latitude

  26. 中北部海区(北纬12度以北)基本上为&气旋式大环流系统;

    There is basically a large cyclonic circulation system in the middle north area .

  27. 纬度值分别为北纬48.08°、50.16°和47.25°;

    The latitude respectively are 48.08 °, 50.16 ° and 47.25 ° north latitude ;

  28. 北纬30度,这里集中了无数大自然的秘密,今天向大家介绍四川的黑竹沟。

    Latitude 30 degrees here on countless nature secret , today introduced Sichuan Ravine .

  29. 就会发现北纬五十度经过黑龙江省以北极远之处。

    We see that latitude 50'N passes through the far north of Heilongjiang province .

  30. 我们的位置是北纬40度。

    Our position is latitude 40 degrees north .