
běi jí xīng
  • Polaris;North Star;Pole Star;polestar
北极星 [běi jí xīng]
  • (1) [Polaris;North Star]∶位于离北天极约1处,这是地球自转轴现在与天球相交的点。北极星是一颗光谱型为晚型的F型高光度星,距离为1300光年

  • (2) [polestar]∶任何时期最靠近北天极的显眼的恒星

北极星[běi jí xīng]
  1. 但是为什么却比TATA的《北极星》迟呢?

    But why is later than " POLARIS " of TATA ?

  2. 我推测在这个故事的前面内容实际上告诉人们织女星(Vega)以前是北极星。

    I figure out that the foregoing content in this legend actually tells that the Vega is the Polaris in the beginning .

  3. 那只船靠北极星来导航

    The ship was navigated by the North Star .

  4. 在第一章简要介绍了北极星表业股份有限公司(简称NS公司)的概况。

    The first chapter mainly gives a brief introduction of the MG course and our North Star Watch Co.

  5. 材料与方法:我们激光美容治疗中心,自2004年10月以来应用Polaris北极星E光去皱系统,开展金黄地鼠皮肤E光嫩肤除皱实验,在此基础上进行临床E光嫩肤除皱32例。

    Materials and methods : Since October , 2004 at our therapeutic laser centre , 32 cases of skin rejuvenation have been performed beyond experimental study on golden hamster .

  6. 改进项目不仅包括基地村。村庄中心有一座巨大的溜冰场,周围是沙发与篝火坑,村名改为北极星(Northstar)之后村子就兴旺起来了。

    And they aren 't limited to the base village that has risen at the renamed Northstar , centered around a huge ice rink ringed by couches and fire pits .

  7. 我坚定得象磐石,稳定得象北极星。

    I am steady as a rock-fixed as the Polar Star .

  8. 他朝着北极星的方向急匆匆地驶去。

    He drives hurriedly in the direction of the pole star .

  9. 在北极星的内部,是狼的尖牙。

    Inside the North Star , the Wolf 's fang .

  10. 北极星那明亮的衣裳,正照耀在时空的暗房

    Clad in the light of a pole-star piercing the darkness of time

  11. 你是我生命的北极星,当我迷失方向,心中忧伤。

    You are my north star when I 'm lost and feeling blue .

  12. “但我会像北极星一样永不动摇”(莎士比亚)。

    " But I am constant as the northern star "( Shakespeare ) .

  13. 本文介绍在北极星微型计算机上利用磁盘存取数组的方法。

    A disk array access method to the North Star Microcomputer is des-cribed .

  14. 星名,指北极星。

    The third is star , which means polaris .

  15. 白肉甜油桃‘北极星’贮藏过程中果实品质的变化研究

    Fruit Quality Changes of White Flesh Nectarine ' Arctic Star ' during Storage

  16. 我看到金星,它呈红色,比北极星大。

    I saw Venus & it was red and bigger than the North Star .

  17. 我像北极星一样永不动摇。

    I am constant as the northern star .

  18. 亚力,你真的认为北极星还在上面吗?

    Asterix , do you really think the North Star is still up there ?

  19. 能够引起强烈注意的东西(如水手之注意北极星)。

    Something that strongly attracts attention ( as the north star attracts mariners ) .

  20. 兰格之所以突然进军美容业,还要归功于北极星公司创始合作人乔恩o弗林特。

    Langer forayed into the beauty world because of Polaris founding partner Jon Flint .

  21. 你必须找到属于你自己的北极星。

    You have to find your North Star .

  22. 我是核杀手,我就是北极星。

    I am nuclear murderer I am polaris .

  23. 金刚石般的意志,如北极星一般指引着

    The diamond point of will that polestars

  24. 所以找到你的北极星。

    So find your North Star .

  25. 他们是你的北极星。

    They are your North Star .

  26. 那是北极星吗?

    Is that the North star ?

  27. 美国第一艘北极星潜水艇“乔治·华盛顿号”在康涅狄格州格罗顿下水。

    1959 The U.S. first Polaris submarine , George Washington , was launched at Groton in Connecticut .

  28. 海员不仅要盯着北极星,还要注意暗礁和险滩。

    A mariner must have his eye upon rocks and sands as well as upon the North Star .

  29. 我欣喜地发现了北极星,并顺着它的方向找到了像勺子形状一样的北斗七星。

    I was glad to find the North Star , which pointed out for me the Big Dipper .

  30. 其中有一个真正的逃亡者,我帮他朝北极星的那个方向逃去。

    One real runaway slave , among the rest , whom I helped to forward toward the north star .