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  • pseudoscience
  1. 生物圈2号最终被讥讽为科研上的大失败,代价是昂贵的伪科学

    Biosphere 2 was ultimately ridiculed as a research debade , as exfravagant pseudoscience .

  2. JaneQiu在7月12日出版的《自然》杂志的这篇文章里报道说,随着中国接受现代化,传统中医药正在被指责为伪科学。

    As China embraces modernity , traditional Chinese medicine is being accused of pseudoscience , reports Jane Qiu in this Nature article ( 12 July ) .

  3. 《生态学家》(TheEcologist)和全球研究(GlobalResearch)等听起来有声望的机构纷纷创建漂亮的网站,将事实、半真半假的描述及伪科学分析编造成邪恶的断言。

    With reputable-sounding names like The Ecologist and Global Research , they produce slick websites that weave facts , half-truths and pseudoscientific analysis into sinister assertions .

  4. GeorgeClaassen认为,更好的教育、有效的信息交流和传播能驱散危险的伪科学。

    Better education , effective communication and dissemination of information could quell dangerous pseudoscience , argues George Claassen .

  5. 从科学与伪科学的划界的角度,论述ID理论不是伪科学;

    It tries to address that ID Theory is not a pseudo science from the angle of differentiating science and pseudo science , and points out the core of ID is the complexity of information ;

  6. 在这些努力中,他与其他反伪科学斗士联合了起来,这包括科学家卡尔•萨根(CarlSagan)、斯蒂芬•杰伊•古尔德(StephenJayGould)以及魔术师詹姆斯•兰迪(JamesRandi)。

    In these endeavours he joined other campaigners against pseudoscience , including scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould and the magician James Randi .

  7. 但是很多主流权威专家并不承认排毒这一说法,称其为伪科学。

    But many mainstream experts dismiss the detox claims as pseudoscience .

  8. 伪科学现象泛滥有历史根源和社会根源。

    Digest : Pseudoscience phenomenon has historical roots and social roots .

  9. 医学伪科学产生的宗教学析因

    Religious Analysis for Reasons of the Emergence of Medical Pseudosciences

  10. 我们还要用这种伪科学来分析她的病吗?

    Do we have to subject her illness to this pseudoscientific analysis ?

  11. 有人认为经济学永远是一门伪科学。

    Some people feel economics will always be a pseudo-science .

  12. 我们如何拒斥伪科学?&从绝对到多元的科学划界标准

    How to reject pseudo-science ? & from absolute to plural demarcation criteria

  13. 为什么伪科学依然存在而且如此热门?

    Why do these pseudo-psychologies survive and retain their popularity ?

  14. 宗教领袖有时候还支持了伪科学主张的制造者。

    Religious leaders sometimes strengthen the hand of those making pseudoscientific claims .

  15. 这将有助于在科学传播的实践中与反科学和伪科学等作斗争。

    It also helps struggle against anti-science and pseudoscience during SC.

  16. 医学伪科学流行的原因分析

    The Analyzing about the Reason of Pseudoscience of Medicine

  17. 伪科学、科学作伪与伪科学思潮

    Pseudoscience , Fabricated Science , and Trend of Pseudoscience

  18. 鉴别伪科学的一种可操作性标准

    An Operational Standard to Distinguish Pseudoscience from the Genuine

  19. 伪科学流传的社会心理因素分析

    Researches on the community psychology of the pseudoscience flooding

  20. 让我们来看看2010主要的伪科学都有哪些:

    Let 's take a look at some of 2010 's main culprits :

  21. 科学与伪科学的一个重要界限&对应原理与科学创新

    An Important Distinction Between Science and Pseudoscience & Correspondence Principle and Scientific Creation

  22. 伪科学是以突破和创新为名,来逃避与科学与逻辑与常识的接轨和对话。

    Its purpose is to evade science and logic .

  23. 弘扬科学精神,反对伪科学;

    Expand scientific spirit and fight against pseudoscience ;

  24. 伪科学不具备可重复性;

    The pseudo-science does not have the repeatability ;

  25. 如何理解作为一门科学的医学&关于医学中的非科学与伪科学

    How to Understand the Medicine as A Science

  26. 伪科学:不是科学的理论被其鼓吹者称为科学理论。

    Pseudoscience : Nonscientific theories that are claimed to be scientific by their advocates .

  27. 为什么必须批评和揭露伪科学?

    Why criticize and disclose pseudoscience is necessary ?

  28. 从医学中伪科学现象的泛滥谈转变医学模式的重要性

    On the Phenomenon of Pseudoscience in Medicine and the Importance of the Medical Model Conversion

  29. 揭批早期教育中的神话与伪科学

    Early Childhood Education : Myth and Pseudoscience

  30. 伪科学现象之根源探析

    Analysis of the Roots for Pseudoscience phenomenon