- 名forged scriptures;psendepigrapha;apocrypha

[forged scriptures;psendepigrapha] 假造的经典
Esdras is the first two books of the old testament apocrypha .
Although New Testament apocrypha go into these details , some quite extensively .
Most of the prophetical Apocrypha are apocalyptic in form .
These books , therefore , stand in the relation of Apocrypha to the Jewish canon .
The place of the Apocrypha in the biblical canon has long been the center of controversy .
It is not found in the Hebrew Bible and is included in the Apocrypha by Protestants .
But they had several other books that we now call the Apocrypha , such as Judith or Tobit or the1 and2 Maccabees .
When people talk about The Apocrypha that 's published in a modern Bible , they 're talking about that Jewish literature that survived in Greek mainly .
And also , body rhetoric as often used in the Hebrew Bible is gradually eliminated and body experiences are replaced by the law as a new experience and cognitive medium .
The Scriptures and other apocryphal works were passed down either by word of mouth and through song , and much later in works of art that did much to instruct the believer .
This is not part of the apocrypha that 's published in your Bible , your study Bible if you bought the Bible that I requested which was the Oxford Study Bible with Apocrypha .
This degeneration generally takes place in four aspects : miracle becomes more and more a joint that drives the plot to advance , to which the narration must turn to achieve transition or development ;