
  • 网络pseudo-range measurement
  1. 伪距测量精度决定了伪距定位的精度。

    The precision of pseudo-range measurement determines the precision of pseudo-range positioning .

  2. 伪距测量的概念、定义与精度评估方法

    Conception , Definition and Evaluation of Pseudo-range Measurement

  3. 干扰对GPS接收机伪距测量精度的影响

    Influence of Jamming to Pseudo-range Measurement Precision of GPS Receiver

  4. 星载GPS伪距测量数据质量分析

    Data Quality Analysis of Space-borne GPS Code Measurements

  5. GPS伪距测量定位直接解算法研究

    Direct Positioning Solution of GPS Pseudorange Measurements

  6. GPS伪距测量方程的相对论修正

    The Relativity Correction for GPS Pseudo-range Equation

  7. INS辅助GPS接收机及其对伪距测量精度的影响

    INS Assists GPS Receiver and its Influence to Pseudorange Measurement Accuracy

  8. 首先介绍GPS的伪距测量定位原理和测速原理,DGPS提高定位精度的原理。

    The theory of the conduct of GPS and of improving location accuracy for DGPS technique is presented .

  9. 其次,分析了GPS(全球定位系统)导航的基本算法(伪距测量定位法和载波相位测量定位法),详细介绍了伪距测量定位法。

    Secondly analyzing basic algorithm of GPS navigation system , i.e. positioning with GPS pseudo-range observations and positioning with GPS carrier phase measurements . Introducing only positioning pseudo-range observations .

  10. 论述了多普勒效应对GPS伪距测量的影响,建立了GPS伪距测量多普勒改正的模型。

    In this paper , the influence of Doppler effect on GPS pseudo range measurement is described and the model of doppler correction for GPS pseudo range measurement is established .

  11. 论述了综合GPS、GLONASS伪距测量值获取定位信息的滤波方法。

    This paper describes the filter method of combining the pseudo-range measurements of GPS and GLONASS to get observer 's position information .

  12. 受到子午卫星导航系统和GPS导航系统定位算法的启发,本文使用了一种将多普勒测量量和伪距测量量相结合的算法来减少所需定位卫星的数量。

    Enlightened by TRANSIT and GPS 's position algorithm , an algorithm that uses Doppler measurement and PseudoRange measurement to reduce the number of satellites required for positioning is presented in this thesis .

  13. 本文首先介绍了全球定位系统(GPS)的伪距测量法,在此基础上分析了GPS定位误差的主要来源,并讨论了提高其定位精度的方法。

    In this paper , the author presents the pseudorange measurements of GPS ( Global Positioning System ), analyses the chief source of GPS locating errors and discusses the methods of improving its positioning accuracy .

  14. 本文根据GPS接收机伪距测量的原理,以GPS接收机的载波噪声功率密度比(C/N0)为基础,分析压制干扰对GPS接收机伪距测量精度的影响。

    The influence of jamming to pseudo-range measurement precision of GPS receiver is analyzed on the basis of density ratio of carrier noise power of GPS receiver according to the theory of GPS receiver pseudo-range measurement .

  15. 通过对比可以看出,本文方法基本消除了接收机伪距测量多径误差,明显优于扼流圈天线及导航增强接收的确定性波束形成(DBF)方法。

    Through comparison , it is clear that the multipath error of the pseudorange measurements is almost eliminated by the method presented in the dissertation , and it is greatly better than the chock ring antenna which is operated in most systems and the deterministic beamforming ( DBF ) .

  16. 红外辐射源伪距测量定位方法

    Infrared emitter location method using pseudo-range measurements

  17. 论伪距测量的多普勒效应

    Doppler effect on pseudo - range measurement

  18. 仿真表明,该方法能够有效地降低由多径引起的伪距测量误差和相位测量误差。

    The proposed method is proved to be effective in reducing range measurement error and phase measurement error through simulation .

  19. 最后,研究了GPSCP平滑码伪距测量,平滑方法缩短了码测量的数据采样率,提高了时间传递的短期稳定度。

    The smoothing method reduces the data sampling rate of the pseudo-range measurement and improves the short term stability of the time transfer .

  20. 最后,对影响伪距测量值的因素进行了讨论,给出了误差计算的方法,分析了对测距精度的影响。

    Finally , the factors influencing pseudo coding ran ging value are discussed , error estimation method is given , and the influence on ranging precision is analysed .

  21. 引入伪距测量的概念,将非线性红外被动测距定位问题转化为线性问题,并给出了最佳线性定位估计的闭式解。

    The concept of pseudo range measurement is introduced to transform the nonlinear problem of infrared passive location to a linear problem . A closed form solution to the optimal linear position estimate is presented .

  22. 多路径误差对GPSC/A码伪距观测量影响的实验性研究

    The Experimental Study of Multipath Effect on GPS C / A Code Measurements

  23. 论述了GPS监测站伪距观测量评定广播星历精度的基本方法。

    This paper discusses the essential method of using GPS pseudorange data to assess the precision of broadcast ephemeris .

  24. 结果表明,在观测时段内,广播星历轨道精度总体上达到3m;。3、重点研究了伪距观测量和激光观测量评估广播星历精度的基本原理与方法。

    The results show that the orbit precision of broadcasting ephemeris is about 3m in observation period of time . 3 、 The basic theory and method of making use of GPS pseudo-range observation data and SLR observation data to evaluate the precision of broadcasting ephemeris is mainly studied .

  25. 由于GPS测量中的各种误差源和环境的影响,GPS的伪距、伪距率测量信号往往也是含有野值的。

    Because of the various error resources in GPS surveying and the influence of the environment , it often contains outliers in pseudorange and pseudorange rate .

  26. 本文提出了一种基于双星的伪卫星无源区域定位系统,即设置适当伪卫星系统,增加观测量,利用伪距测量方法定位,从而实现系统的无源被动定位。

    A method of the region passive pseudolites positioning based on geostationary satellite positioning system is presented .