
āi jí zōnɡ jiào
  • Egyptian religion
  1. 奥西里斯神话和基督神话分别是古代埃及宗教和基督教中的重要神话。

    Osiris myth and Christian myth have an important position separately in ancient Egyptian religion and Christianity .

  2. 更幸运的是,有一天,我在图书馆的书架上翻找一本关于埃及宗教的书时,偶然发现有整整一书架的书都是有关埃及的。

    I was luckier still when , looking in the library stacks for a book on Egyptian religion , I ran across an entire shelf filled with books on Egypt .

  3. 它分为两个方面:一是对埃及宗教的支持;二是在埃及宗教的基础上将希腊宗教、文化融入其中。

    This policy includes two aspects : one is showing support to Egyptian religion .

  4. 古代埃及宗教中的阴阳二元结构是埃及王权意识形态的基础。它确保了王后在王权中的地位,并为她们参与政治创造了条件。

    The feminine-masculine dualism in Egyptian religion , which solidifies the position of the queens in the kingship and grants them the opportunity to poke their noses into political activities , is the fundamental basis of Egyptian royal ideology .

  5. 委员会说,此次发现是对埃及古代宗教的新发现。

    The discovery throws new light on Egypt 's ancient religions , the council said .

  6. 古埃及的宗教信仰产生于对以图腾动物为代表的部落神的膜拜。

    The religion of ancient Egypt emerged from the worship of tribal deities represented as totemic animals .

  7. 奥克亨那坦为埃及带来了宗教和社会革命,开启了新纪元。

    Akhenaten brought religious and social revolution in Egypt and started a new era for the nation .

  8. 近几年来,有关地理环境对古埃及农业、宗教的影响的研究取得了丰硕的成果。

    In recent years , the study on the influence of geographical conditions on the ancient Egyptian agriculture and the religion has made great achievement .

  9. 自2011年埃及革命以来,宗教冲突似乎呈现上升趋势。

    Religious violence appears to be on the rise since Egypt 's 2011 revolt .

  10. 古代埃及的伦理与宗教

    Ethic and Religion of Ancient Egypt

  11. 古埃及艺术以埃及宗教为基础,表现了他们对宇宙的理解,对人生的思考,为我们探寻这个神秘国度的精神内核提供了直观的依据。

    Ancient Egyptian art demonstrated their understanding of the universe , thinking of life . It provides intuitive material for us to explore this mysterious country .

  12. 卡那克神庙是埃及新王国时期宗教活动的中心,而且在埃及政治、经济、文化中发挥着巨大的作用。

    Karnak Temple is central to religion in Egyptian society during the New Kingdom , and it plays an important part on politics 、 economy and civilization .

  13. 雄性包皮环割可以追溯到古埃及时代,由于宗教,文化和社会政治的原因在后来的几世纪一直在继续进行。

    Male circumcision has been performed as far back as ancient Egypt , and the practice has continued through the ensuing centuries for religious , cultural and sociopolitical reasons .

  14. 希腊人不同于最后一批统治埃及的波斯人,并不轻视信奉多神论的埃及宗教。

    Unlike the last Persian rulers of Egypt , the Greeks did not despise a religion which had a multiplicity of deities .

  15. 提到埃及时,人们会想到金字塔与木乃伊,两者都和埃及的宗教信仰密切相关。

    When it comes to Egypt , people think of pyramids and mummies , both of which are closely related to Egyptian religious beliefs .

  16. 即使埃及的首都位于曼菲斯,但在此时期赫利奥波利斯似乎已成为埃及的宗教性首都了。

    Even though egypt 's capital may have been located at memphis , it is likely during this period that Heliopolis was recognized as the religious capital of egypt .

  17. 奥西里斯神是古埃及最为重要、最受崇拜的神明之一,有关他的神话传说在古埃及三千多年的历史长河中流传不息,对古埃及宗教和王权产生了深远的影响。

    Osiris is one of most important and worshiped gods in Ancient Egypt , about his myth spreaded and lasted more than three thousand years throughout the history of Ancient Egypt and had a far-reaching influence on religion and kingship .