
  • 网络The Egyptian Museum;Museo Egizio;Egypt Museum
  1. 他们被安置在埃及博物馆里,并在过去的一个世纪里接受来自世界各地游客的参观。为运送这批木乃伊,埃及方面专门定制一支金色车队,加装减震装置,以防路面磕碰。

    They were housed in the iconic Egyptian Museum and visited by tourists from around the world for the past century .

  2. 小薇:我要去参观那个埃及博物馆。

    Wei : I 'm going to go to that Egyptian museum .

  3. 大埃及博物馆,吉萨,埃及(国际竞赛投标)

    The great Egyptian museum , giza , Egypt ( international competition entry )

  4. 据悉,这个由皮绳固定、三块木头组成的人工制品正在开罗埃及博物馆中展出。

    The three-part wood and leather artifact was housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo .

  5. 位于开罗的埃及博物馆现开放第二个展厅,专门用于陈列数百年前的尸体和骨骸。

    The second hall dedicated to bodies and bones centuries ago is now open at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo .

  6. 它号称新埃及博物馆,最终将成为最大的法老的纪念碑的汇集,包括图坦卡门的没有中空部分的死亡黄金面具。

    Called the New Egyptian Museum , it will eventually house the largest collection of pharaonic monuments , including the solid gold death mask of Tutankhamun .

  7. 目前状况:德国坚持他们对勒菲绨缇像拥有绝对所有权,德国埃及博物馆馆长则认定即使是短暂的借出也会对文物造成损害。

    Current Status : Germany insists their ownership of Nefertiti is without doubt , and Berlin 's Egyptian Museum curators maintain that even a brief loan may damage the bust .

  8. 第二艘太阳船的发掘工作在已星期四展开,并最终会取代第一艘船的展出,而第一艘将会被移至吉萨正在修建的大埃及博物馆。

    The second solar boat , whose excavation began Thursday , will eventually take the place of the first , which is to be moved to the Grand Egyptian Museum being built at Giza .

  9. 埃及古物博物馆,开罗。

    Museum of Egyptian Antiquities , Cairo .

  10. 埃及文明博物馆建于1936年,当时是法鲁克国王的统治时期。

    The Egyptian Museum of Civilization was built in1936 during the reign of King Farouk .

  11. 古埃及亚历山大博物馆

    Ancient Egypt and Alexandrian Museums

  12. 位于开罗的埃及国家博物馆是世界上最广泛收藏古埃及文物的博物馆。

    The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is home to the most extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities in the world .

  13. 埃及国家博物馆举行了盛大的欢迎仪式,人们用歌声和军乐来欢迎木乃伊回归祖国。

    The mummy was welcomed back home with songs and military band music during a ceremony at the national museum in Cairo .

  14. 一具古埃及木乃伊正在博物馆展览。

    An ancient Egyptian mummy is on exhibition in the museum .

  15. 沙漠中的宝石&记埃及国家大博物馆

    Gem in the desert : the grand Egyptian Museum

  16. 他们是在修复开罗的埃及文明国家博物馆时发现的。

    They made the discovery while carrying out restoration work at Cairo 's National Museum of Egyptian Civilization .

  17. 在2008年的埃及太阳船博物馆,游客们围绕着这艘很久之前出土于在大金字塔附近沙土中的经过重新组装的太阳船。

    At Egypt 's Solar Boat Museum in2008 , tourists surround the reassembled boat long ago excavated from the sands near the Great Pyramid .

  18. 展品部分将来自大英博物馆的收藏,也有藏品将从埃及当局和博物馆借来,此前埃及鲜有藏品借出。

    It will combine items from the Museum 's own archives with items on special loan from Egyptian authorities , who rarely let the artefacts leave their country .

  19. 一些古埃及的木乃伊在博物馆展出。

    Several ancient Egyptian mummies are on display in the museum .