
  • 网络ELAM;ELAN;Eran
  1. 但是,这思路非常简单,而且动物实验结果令人欢欣鼓舞。于是,埃兰医药公司的科研人员决定在人上作试验。

    But the idea was so simple and animal studies so encouraging that Elan researchers decided to try it out on people .

  2. 这项新研究,我们选用生物钟和人类十分接近的(黄猩猩)果蝇,以初步洞察其偏好早起还是晚起的分子基础,研究队员埃兰图博在新闻发布会上解释道。

    In this new study , we have used fruit flies ( Drosophila melanogaster ), whose gene clocks are very similar to a human 's , to get a first insight into the molecular basis of morningness / eveningness preference , explained team member Eran Tauber in a press release .

  3. 格兰特莱撒作为他的外国志愿军而交换给埃兰人。

    Grants Larsa to Elamites in exchange for serving as his foreign legion .

  4. 埃兰路球场的教练区、接待区和球员休息室里都布满了唐-李维、霍华德-威尔金森以及大卫-奥莱利治下著名球员的照片(译注:三人皆为利兹联史上知名的主帅)。

    The manager 's area , reception , and players lounge at Elland Road are covered with pictures of the great players who made their names under Don Revie , Howard Wilkinson and David O'Leary .