
  • 网络levant;Levante;ISIL;levantine
  1. 阿尼莎·西露(AnissaHelou),《黎凡特》(Levant)的作者。

    ANISSA HELOU , the author of " Levant . "

  2. 此外,最近黎凡特的冲突也可能会影响对该地区的信心。

    Moreover , the recent conflict in the Levant may also dampen confidence in the region .

  3. 但是考古学证据表明骆驼到达黎凡特地区的时间刚好是在圣经先祖出现之后,理论上推算大概是距今2500到3000年前。

    But archaeological evidence suggested that camels arrived in the Levant well after the biblical patriarchs , theoretically about 2500 to 3000 years ago .

  4. 吉布(kibbe)是一种用羊肉馅和小麦碎加丰富香料制成的食物,是黎凡特一带的特色小吃,烹饪方法很多。

    Kibbe , a subtly spiced mixture of minced lamb and bulgur wheat , can be found around the Levant , cooked in myriad ways .

  5. 当时,黎凡特地带是一条迁徙走廊,解剖学意义上的现代人从这里走出非洲,走向亚欧大陆,取代了其他所有的早期类人物种。

    The story is of when the Levant was a corridor for anatomically modern humans who were expanding out of Africa and then across Eurasia , replacing all other forms of early human-related species .

  6. 南线穿过土耳其斯坦-呼罗珊地区和伊朗到达美索不达米亚和安纳托利亚,在经过安纳托利亚南部的安提俄克到达地中海或者是经过黎凡特到达埃及和南非。

    the South Route passing through Turkestan-Khorasan , through Iran into Mesopotamia and Anatolia , and then through Antioch in Southern Anatolia into the Mediterranean Sea or through the Levant into Egypt and North Africa .

  7. 除了导致伊拉克发生宗派杀戮外,这还重燃了持续千年的逊尼派与什叶派之间的冲突&从黎凡特到海湾地区,甚至波及印度次大陆。

    As well as leading to a sectarian bloodbath in Iraq , this reignited with a millenarian spin the simmering conflict between Sunni and Shia , from the Levant to the Gulf and across to the Indian subcontinent .

  8. 颅骨基部明显的髻状突起接近现代非洲人和欧洲人,但有别于其他在黎凡特地带发现的现代人种,因此强有力地暗示着,这可能是早期进入欧洲的人类。

    The distinctive bunlike shape at the base of the skull resembles modern African and European skulls but differs from other anatomically modern humans from the Levant , and is thus a strong clue that these were among the first humans to settle Europe , scientists said .

  9. 最近发现的这具化石可能与石器时代移民欧洲的第一批人类关系很近,从化石来看,这群人已经具备了一些特征,与当时留在非洲大陆的人类、以及黎凡特走廊沿线其他人类颇不相同。

    From the new fossil find , which could be closely related to the first modern humans to colonize Stone Age Europe , it appears that these people already had physical traits a bit different from the Africans they were leaving behind and many other human inhabitants along the corridor .