
yuè shí
  • lunar eclipse;eclipse of the moon
月食 [yuè shí]
  • [eclipse of the moon] 地球运行到月亮和太阳的中间时,太阳的光正好被地球挡住,不能射到月亮上去,因此月亮上就出现黑影,这种现象叫月食。太阳光全部被地球挡住时,叫月全食部分被挡住时,叫月偏食

月食[yuè shí]
  1. 下个月有月食。

    There will be an eclipse of the moon next month .

  2. 这次是月食,月亮掌管你的关于出版、传播、媒体和国际项目、人际关系的第九宫。

    This is an eclipse of the moon , so the moon rules your solar ninth house of publishing , broadcasting , academia , and international projects , and relationships .

  3. 天文学家能精确地预告未来日食月食的日期、时刻和时长

    Astronomers can accurately foretell the date , time , and length of future eclipses .

  4. 一个国际科学研究团队利用最新的x射线和超级成像技术,揭开了一个可以精确预测日食和月食的古希腊计算器的工作原理。

    An international scientific team has used the latest X-ray and super-imaging technology to reveal the workings of an ancient Greek calculator that could accurately predict eclipses of the sun and moon .

  5. 凯特琳的演讲稿是受到《暮光之城3:月食》的启发,里面用到了heck这个词(hell的委婉语),但是凯特琳当时却用了hell。

    The script for the speech , inspired by Eclipse : The Twilight Saga , includes the word heck , but Kaitlin used hell in the moment .

  6. 《暮光之城:月食》的首个预告片因被传至YouTube视频网上,已吸引了数百万人观看。

    Millions of people have watched the first trailer for The Twilight Saga : Eclipse movie , which has been leaked to YouTube .

  7. 2011年MTV电影奖近日揭晓,《暮色3:月食》斩获五项大奖,成为最大赢家。

    The Twilight Saga : Eclipse was the big winner at the2011 MTV Movie Awards , picking up five gongs .

  8. 凯特琳的演讲稿是受到《暮光之城3:月食》的启发,里面用到了“heck”这个词(hell的委婉语),但是凯特琳当时却用了“hell”。

    The script for the speech , inspired by Eclipse : The Twilight Saga , includes the word " heck , " but Kaitlin used " hell " in the moment .

  9. 他自认与月食相比,自己的照片完美无缺,并笑称自己给了碧昂斯的热门歌曲《Flawless》灵感。

    Kurt has compared his pictures to the perfection of a lunar eclipse and jokes that he inspired Beyonc é Knowles 's hit Flawless .

  10. PBS节目星之扉的主持人杰克·霍克海默称这次月食为月亮,指环王,狮心之月食

    Jack Horkheimer , host of the PBS show " Star Gazer ," called the event " the moon , the lord of the rings and heart of the lion eclipse . "

  11. 美国宇航局称月食通常1年发生2次。但此次月食将会是1年内连续4次月食(这种现象被称为tetrad,意思是4个一组)中的第3个。

    NASA says lunar eclipses typically happen at least twice a year , but this eclipse is the third in a series of four in a row , known as a tetrad .

  12. 月食引力效应观测结果引力透镜效应月球探测势在必行

    The Consequence of Observation Gravitational Effect During the Lunar Eclipse Occurrence

  13. 不是世界上所有的地方都能看到日食和月食的。

    Eclipses are not seen in every part of the world .

  14. 我从来没有提醒签署文件直接在月食。

    I never advise signing papers directly ON an eclipse .

  15. 据报道说,明天晚上有月食。

    It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipsetomorrow evening .

  16. 一年中发生月食的次数

    A letter from author number of lunar eclipses during a calendar year

  17. 由于这些天文学家能预知日食和月食的日期,他们便有着相当大的权力。

    Because they knew the dates of eclipses , they had great power .

  18. 科学家表示本次月食裸眼观测是安全的。

    Scientists said the eclipse could be safely observed with the naked eye .

  19. 这种花只在月食发生时那段很短的期间开放。

    This flower only bloomed during the very short duration of an eclipse .

  20. 第三部《暮光之城3:月食》将于6月30日正式上映。

    The third film The Twilight Saga : Eclipse opens on June 30 .

  21. 并非来自月食而是堆积如山的债务

    cast not by an eclipse , but by a mountain of debt .

  22. 上周我们观看了新世纪第一次月食。

    Last week we witnessed the first lunar eclipse in the new century .

  23. 然后哥伦布指向天空,人们抬头仰望,看见月食开始了。

    Columbus then pointed to the sky , and the men looked up .

  24. 清代地方志中月食记录的可靠性分析

    Reliable Analysis of the Lunar Eclipse Observations in the Local Chorography of Qing Dynasty

  25. 武丁月食及其年代研究

    Research on Lunar Eclipse and Age during the Period of Emperor Shang Wu Ding

  26. 当月球进入地球的影子,便会发生月食。

    Lunar eclipses occur whenever the moon falls into the shadow of the earth .

  27. 京晶:噢,就像月食吗?

    Oh , like an eclipse , right ?

  28. 天文学家可以算出何时发生日食和月食。

    Astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipses of the sun and moon .

  29. 使这个月食显得困难的是由于海王星太活跃了。

    What makes this lunar eclipse difficult is that Neptune will be so active .

  30. 你将来有没有计划要写《新月》和《月食》的爱德华版本?

    Q.Are you planning on writing an Edward version of New Moon and Eclipse ?