
  • 网络lunar soil
  1. 其中包括一小份月球土壤样品,一块霸王龙化石的一部分和一些艺术作品,比如玛娅·安杰洛(MayaAngelou)的诗歌,以及古斯塔夫·霍尔斯特(GustavHolst)《行星》组曲中的火星部分录音。

    They include a small sample of lunar soil , part of a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil and several artistic works , like poems by Maya Angelou and a recording of the Mars movement from Gustav Holst 's " The Planets . "

  2. 小萝卜在月球土壤中的生长状况也更糟糕。

    They also grew significantly less well in lunar soil .

  3. 陨星和月球土壤的光谱识别

    Spectral Bands for Identification of Meteorite and Lunar Soil

  4. “嫦娥五号”预定于2017年登月,有望将月球土壤样本和岩石带回地球。

    Chang'e-5 , scheduled to land on the moon by 2017 , is expected to bring samples of lunar soil and rock back to Earth .

  5. 登月的回报可能包括从月球土壤中开采的氦-3,这可能是未来聚变反应堆的燃料,尽管实际的聚变反应堆还需要几十年的时间才会出现。

    The payoffs of the moon could include helium-3 mined from the lunar soil , potentially a fuel for future fusion reactors , although practical fusion reactors are still decades away .

  6. 然而科学家们正致力于研究一种从月球土壤中的氧化铁里获得氧气的方法。因为未来月球基地意识到在地球上以这种方式炼钢更好。

    But scientists working on a way to harvest oxygen from the iron oxide in lunar soil for future moon bases realized that they happened on a better way to make steel here on Earth .

  7. 国家航天局副局长吴艳华上周一下午表示,嫦娥五号任务将是我国探月工程进行的下一步工作,标志着该工程第三阶段的完成,该阶段目标是引导探测器将月球土壤带回地球。

    Wu Yanhua , deputy head of the China National Space Administration , said last Monday afternoon that the Chang'e 5 mission will be the next step in China 's lunar exploration and will mark the completion of the program 's third phase , whose goal is guiding a probe carrying lunar soil back to Earth .

  8. 这次任务将是有史以来第三次从月球带回土壤或岩石样本。

    The mission will be the third ever to bring back soil or rock samples from the moon .

  9. 取样臂控制系统是通过信号处理器自动控制电机来驱动取样装置掘取月球表面土壤,并最终将采集的月壤送入加热设备的过程。

    The sampling device controlling system is to take lunar soil into the heating equipment automatically in the control of digital signal processor .

  10. 在探月过程中,微波遥感技术是探测全月球表层土壤内部结构和物质组成的重要手段。

    In lunar exploration , the microwave remote sensing is an important technology to reveal the global internal structure and compositions in surface layer of the Moon .

  11. 对月球岩和土壤样品进行分析,可得出有关我们的这颗卫星过去历史的一些初步的结论。

    The analysis of lunar rocks and soil samples has led to a number of tentative conclusions about the past history of our satellite .

  12. 中国科学院国家天文台已经接管了嫦娥五号探测器带回的月球岩石和土壤,并将很快开始相关研究。

    The National Astronomical Observatories , a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , has taken charge of the lunar rocks and soil brought back by the Chang'e 5 robotic probe and will start research on them soon .

  13. 月球车车轮与土壤作用的力学特性分析与测试系统设计

    Mechanical Analysis of Wheel-Soil Interaction for Lunar Rover and Design a Test-Bed

  14. 设计了一种用来钻取月球表面岩石和土壤的新型机构。

    A kind of device to drill and collect lunar soil and rocks is designed .

  15. 他们也在研究如何从从月球的岩石和土壤中提取氧气和其他重要元素。

    They are learning how to extract oxygen and other vital elements from lunar rocks and soil .

  16. 荷兰研究人员一直在试图模拟月球和火星的土壤条件,进行农作物栽培实验。

    Researchers in the Netherlands have been attempting to grow crops in soils created to simulate conditions on the Red Planet and also the Moon .

  17. 在第三阶段中,一个无人操纵的探测器将会被送到月球和采集月球土壤试样,然后返回地球。

    In the third stage , an unmanned probe will be sent to the moon and collect samples of the moon soil , and then return them to earth .

  18. 月球探测车在月球表面松软土壤上的转向动力学特性比较复杂。

    The dynamic characteristics of lunar rover are very complex when the rover steers on soft soil .

  19. 2017年,第三期工程中的月球车将登录月球,并取回月球土壤、石头样本以供科学研究所用。

    The third phase features another lunar rover , which will land on the moon and return to Earth with lunar soil and stone samples for scientific research , in2017 .

  20. 国家航天局副局长吴艳华近日表示,我国将于2017年12月前后发射嫦娥五号无人月球探测器,嫦娥五号将携月球土壤样品返回地球。

    China 's unmanned lunar probe Chang'e-5 , set to be launched around December 2017 , will bring lunar soil samples back to Earth , says Wu Yanhua , deputy chief of the China National Space Administration .

  21. 在第二个阶段的时候,一个无人操纵月亮漫游者将会在月球上柔登陆在月球表面和检查月球土壤。

    During the second stage , an unmanned moon rover will make a soft landing on the moon surface and examine the moon soil .

  22. 月球表面风化层材料十分珍贵,不宜将其溶化,因此他们模仿月球土壤作为替代——一种接近真实材料的化学物。

    Real lunar regolith is too precious to melt down , so they fed the printer with imitation lunar soil - a close chemical match to the real thing .

  23. 今早,NASA两艘航天飞机故意撞向月球。第一艘宇宙飞船撞击月球,收集碎片。几分钟之后,第二艘在撞击之前先对粉尘颗粒进行分析。NASA希望在月球土壤中能够发现一些水分。

    This morning , two NASA spacecrafts crashed into the moon . The first one didthe dirty work kicking up a crowd of dust.Then a few minutes later , the second one flew in to analyze the dust s before it crashed as well.NASA is hoping to find water in some of that soil .

  24. 探测月球上的钛和铁等14种元素分布,并会利用成像光谱仪,测定造岩矿物,如橄榄石、辉石、斜长石等在月球表面的含量与分布情况;评估月球土壤厚度和氦.3的资源量;

    Lunar Prospector , and will conduct an overall prospect evaluation on some useful resources on the Moon 's surface . Probing the features of lunar soil and evaluating its depth , as well as the amount of helium-3 ( He )