
  • 网络co-author;coauthor;collaborator;joint author
  1. 《礼仪圣经》的合著者丹尼尔·波斯特·森宁曾问道:“在什么情况下,欣赏比代价更重要?”

    Daniel Post Senning , a coauthor of Emily Post 's Etiquette , asked , " At what point does showing appreciation outweigh the cost ? "

  2. 另一名合著者是华盛顿大学西雅图分校(UniversityofWashingtoninSeattle)的神经科学家卡伊·米勒。

    Another coauthor was Kai Miller , a neuroscientist at the University of Washington in Seattle .

  3. 自1992年以来,印第安纳大学就2717例婚姻进行了研究,凯克和合著者肯齐·兰瑟姆分析了这二十年的数据信息。

    Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham analyzed 20 years of data on 2,717 marriages from a study conducted by Indiana University since 1992 .

  4. 葛瑞格森先生是《创新者的DNA)这本新书的合著者。这本书是基于对全球5,000位创业者和高管们长达八年的研究写成的。

    Mr. Gregersen is a co-author of a new book , The Innovator 's DNA , which is based on an eight-year study of 5000and executives worldwide .

  5. 这项硏究的合著者之一,伦敦帝国理工学院的詹姆斯·边沁认为全球身高增长趋势可能主要是由于营养和医疗保健的改善。

    James Bentham , a co-author of the research from Imperial College , London , says the global trend is likely to be due primarily to improvements in nutrition and healthcare .

  6. 来自英国埃克塞特大学的合著者马修·怀特解释说,这项研究表明,生活在绿色更好的城市地区的人们表现出的抑郁或焦虑迹象较少。

    Co-author Mathew White , from the University of Exeter , UK , explained that the study showed people living in greener urban areas were displaying fewer signs of depression or anxiety .

  7. 该书的另两位合著者为杨百翰大学的教授杰夫·代尔和哈佛商学院的教授克莱顿·克里斯坦森,后者1997年出版的书《创新者的困境》普及了“颠覆性创新″的概念。

    His two collaborators and co -- authors are Jeff Dyer , a professor at Brigham Young University , and Clayton Christensen , a professor at the Harvard Business School , whose 1997 book The Innovators Dilemma popularized the concept of innovation . "

  8. JoUsmar是《世界主义者》的作者,也是本书《生活方式》系列的合著者。

    Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series of lifestyle books .

  9. 这项研究的合著者费德丽卡·贝尔托基尼说,蠕虫分解日常食物的能力也就是蜂蜡的能力,可以让它们分解塑料。

    Federica Bertocchini , co-author of the study , says the worms ' ability to break down their everyday food — beeswax — also allows them to break down plastic .

  10. 他是“贝西伯爵”(WilliamJames“Count”Basie爵士音乐家——译注)自传的合著者。

    He was the co-writer of Count Basie 's autobiography .

  11. 在《信誉经济学》(TheReputationEconomy)一书中,费蒂克与合著者戴维•汤普森(DavidThompson)阐述了许多在我看来令人毛骨悚然的案例。

    In The Reputation Economy , he and co-author David Thompson lay out plenty of examples that I find creepy .

  12. 1938年,弗里德曼与罗斯•戴瑞克特(RoseDirector)结婚。罗斯本人也是一位经济学家,是弗里德曼一些较为通俗的著作的合著者。

    In 1938 he married Rose Director , herself an economist who was the co-author of some of his more general books .

  13. ScottWilliams是本研究的合著者,同时是田纳西州范德比尔特大学的生物学教授。

    Scott Williams is a co-author of the study and a professor of biophysiology at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee .

  14. 赫森在30年的职业生涯中一直致力于帮助公司成为更注重顾客的企业&她既担任过公司高管,也是畅销书《赢得顾客心》(Customer-CenteredGrowth:FiveStrategiesforBuildingCompetitiveAdvantage)的合著者。

    Diane has spent her 30-year career helping companies become customer-focused & as an executive and as co-author of the best-seller customer-centered growth : five strategies for building competitive advantage .

  15. 新书《达拉斯1963》(Dallas1963)的合著者比尔•米努塔利奥(BillMinutaglio)说:“除了达拉斯,这种事不可能在其他任何地方发生。”

    Bill Minutaglio , co-author of the new book Dallas 1963 , says : " Nothing like this could have happened , but in Dallas . "

  16. 斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)心理学家、新书《房间里最聪明的人》(TheWisestOneintheRoom)的合著者之一李•罗斯(LeeRoss),将这个问题描述成“天真的现实主义”。

    Lee Ross , a psychologist at Stanford University and co-author of a new book , The Wisest One in the Room , describes the problem as " naive realism . "

  17. 如果是这样,合著者David会对Brad的炉子三分钟排气就能恢复全部热量这种效率感到惊奇。

    If so , coauthor David marvels at the efficiency of Brad 's furnace in restoring full heat within three minutes of airing out a room .

  18. 娜姆的合著者,人类学家ChristineMathieu写书之前,对娜姆进行了为期几个月的采访。

    Namu 's co-author , anthropologist Christine Mathieu , wrote the book based on months of interviews with Namu .

  19. 当然,也可以获得源代码,为其他平台进行编译(例如,合著者Brad为FreeBSD编译了R)。

    Naturally , source is also available for compiling to other platforms ( for example , coauthor Brad built R to FreeBSD with no difficulties ) .

  20. 弗里德曼与该书合著者美国国家经济研究局(nationalbureauofeconomicresearch)的安娜施瓦茨(annaschwartz),不辞辛苦搜集了内战结束以来美国经济中的货币流通量数据。

    Friedman and his co-author , Anna Schwartz of the National Bureau of economic research , painstakingly assembled data on the amount of money circulating in the US economy going back to the end of the civil war .

  21. 在2009年出版的《超级魔鬼经济学》(SuperFreakonomics)一书中,莱维特和合著者斯蒂芬•杜布纳(StephenDubner)利用这个故事辩称,通过技术解决问题往往比末日论者想象的简单得多,成本也低得多;

    In 2009 " s SuperFreakonomics he and co-author Stephen Dubner used the tale to argue that technological fixes are often far simpler and cheaper than doomsayers imagine ;

  22. “设计模式”一书的合著者RalphJohnson谈到了并行编程的宏观结构及其能解决的问题,并向我们介绍如何更好地学习并行编程。

    " Design Patterns " co-author Ralph Johnson explains the overall structure of parallel programming , what kinds of problems it solves , and tell you how you can learn more about it .

  23. 《第二次机器革命》(TheSecondMachineAge)的合著者安德鲁•麦卡菲(AndrewMcAfee)称自己乘坐谷歌(Google)自动驾驶汽车的心路历程是“15分钟内从害怕到兴奋到索然无味”。

    Andrew McAfee , co-author of The Second Machine Age , describes the experience of being transported in one of Google 's self-driving cars as going " from terrifying to thrilling to boring in 15 minutes . "

  24. 心理学教授杰米·沃德(JamieWard)以及他的合著者舒阿·阿尔拉吉(ShuaaAlrajih)认为其潜在因素是高水平的睾丸激素,这种激素与攻击性以及追求控制权有关。

    Jamie Ward , professor of psychology and his co-author Shuaa Alrajih , suggested the underlying factor was high levels of testosterone , which is linked to aggression and the pursuit of dominance .

  25. 上述调查的合著者里帕拉希德(RipaRashid)表示:最大的错误认知是,中国女性落后于西方女性。

    The biggest misperception is that women in China are behind the west , says Ripa Rashid , a co-author of the study .

  26. 于是黛儿和她的合著者,同样是耶鲁大学研究生的奥丽埃纳·阿拉贡(OrianaAragon),就先做了个实验看看“激萌”到底是不是笔上谈兵。

    So Dyer and her co-author , fellow Yale graduate student Oriana Aragon , first ran an experiment to see if cuteness aggression was a real phenomenon .

  27. “这似乎是一些关于频率混合的内在东西。”《恼人:惹怒我们的科学》合著者FloraLichtman在最近一个NPR的访问中说。

    " It seems to be something intrinsic about that mix of frequencies ," said Flora Lichtman , co-author of " Annoying : The Science of What Bugs Us ," in a recent interview with NPR .

  28. 这篇报告的合著者,来自英国财政学会(IFS)的克莱尔·克劳德福说,孩子们面临着一种惩罚,“仅仅只是因为他们不幸地出生在学年末”。

    Claire Crawford , of the Institute for Fiscal Studies ( IFS ), co-author of the report , said children face a penalty " simply because they are unlucky enough to have been born late in the school year " .

  29. 安全漏洞指南的合著者、高科技集团sansinstitute研究主管艾伦帕勒(alanpaller)表示,这些都是“非常低级的编程错误,类似于医生因没有洗手而传播了传染病”。

    These are " very simple programming errors akin to doctors spreading infections by not washing their hands " , according to Alan Paller , director of research at the SANS Institute , a technology group that co-authored the guidance .

  30. 我们可能就坐在重大灭绝事件的悬崖上,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校生态学家道格拉斯·J·麦考利(DouglasJ.McCauley)说,他是《科学》杂志本周四发表的一项新研究的合著者。

    We may be sitting on a precipice of a major extinction event , said Douglas J. McCauley , an ecologist at the University of California , Santa Barbara , and a co-author of the new research , which was published on Thursday in the journal Science .