
  • 网络iowa;Iowa State
  1. 1932年,他在艾奥瓦州的石头城创建了一所学校,那儿成了艺术家的聚居地。

    In 1932 , he established a school and artists ' colony in Stone City , Iowa .

  2. 艾奥瓦州今年玉米大丰收。

    In the state of Iowa , it 's been a bumper year for corn .

  3. 许多人认为这些改动是时任美国参议院财政委员会(SenateFinanceCommittee)主席的艾奥瓦州共和党人查尔斯•格拉斯利(CharlesGrassley)的“杰作”。

    The changes were largely considered the work of Iowa Republican Charles Grassley , who at the time was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee .

  4. 艾奥瓦州党团会议召开前,在一个支持桑德斯的集会上,担任主唱的是吸血鬼周末(VampireWeekend)乐队,桑德斯唱歌时则和所有麦克风保持着安全距离。

    At a Sanders rally before the Iowa caucuses , the band Vampire Weekend assumed lead vocals , with Mr. Sanders mouthing the words a safe distance from any microphone .

  5. 贝尔医生列举了一些成功的例子,比如艾奥瓦州曼彻斯特的克丽茜·哈钦森(ChrissyHutchinson)。

    Dr. Bell pointed to success stories , including Chrissy Hutchinson , 32 , of Manchester , Iowa .

  6. 富兰克林·D·罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)麾下的农业部长和副总统亨利·A·华莱士(HenryA.Wallace)一度食素,也是一名和平主义者。来自艾奥瓦州的华莱士认为,对于陷入贫困的美国农村,鸡是一个救星。

    Henry A. Wallace , a sometime vegetarian pacifist from Iowa who also served as Franklin D. Roosevelt 's agriculture secretary and vice president , argued that the chicken was the savior of poverty-stricken rural Americans .

  7. 几名激烈角逐参议院席位的共和党候选人也提出了同样的意见,比如乔治亚州的戴维·珀杜(DavidPerdue)、南达科他州的迈克·朗兹(MikeRoundds),以及艾奥瓦州的约尼·厄恩斯特(JoniErnst)。

    The same point has been raised by several Republican candidates in tight Senate races , including David Perdue of Georgia , Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Joni Ernst of Iowa .

  8. 当时一场特别猛烈的暴风雪袭击了艾奥瓦州。

    An especially violent and heavy snowstorm struck the state of Iowa .

  9. 一切是从我在艾奥瓦州安克尼市送报纸时开始的。

    It all began with a paper route in Ankeny , IA .

  10. 我期待著写作,为他和其余的艾奥瓦州的孩子。

    I look forward to writing for him and the rest of the Iowa kids .

  11. 艾奥瓦州一个小镇上的一位报纸编辑称这场暴风雪为bizzard。

    A newspaper editor in a small Iowa town called the terrible storm a blizzard .

  12. 美国艾奥瓦州2008年特大洪水及洪灾稀遇程度

    Catastrophic Flood and the Rareness of the Flood Disaster in Iowa State of the U.S.A. in 2008

  13. 尽管她失去了艾奥瓦州的初选,邓巴还是获得了杰姬·夏普的支持。

    But even though she lost the Iowa primary , Dunbar now has Jackie Sharp in her corner .

  14. 我知道,您将前往艾奥瓦州访问,多年前您曾作为地方主管去过那里。

    I know youll be visiting Iowa , where you visited many years ago when you were governor .

  15. 他说这本书会成为艾奥瓦州和中国人民长久友谊的见证。

    He says it will a lasting tribute to the enduring friendship between the people in Iowa and China .

  16. 这个载誉满满的农场已经成为艾奥瓦州的农业示范区,接待来自世界各地的游客们。

    The award-winning farm has a demonstration site for Iowa 's agriculture sector , receiving visitors from around the world .

  17. 今晚,因为你们在艾奥瓦州所做的,我们离这个美国梦想已经只有一步之遥。

    Tonight , we are one step closer to that vision of America because of what you did here in Iowa .

  18. 第二天,克林顿夫人在艾奥瓦州锡达福尔斯市的一个自行车店参加一个关于小企业的圆桌会谈。

    The next day , Mrs. Clinton sat for a round-table discussion about small businesses inside a Cedar Falls , Iowa , bicycle shop .

  19. 贝尔说,在艾奥瓦州,大多数22周的早产儿都得到​医疗护理,他认为22周是独立存活的新标准。

    At Iowa , Dr. Bell said , treatment is offered to most 22-week-olds , and he considers 22 weeks a new marker of viability .

  20. (掌声)当一名艾奥瓦州的小女孩看到一名长得像她的总统候选人,会作何感想。

    ( Applause . ) Think about what it means to a young girl in Iowa when she sees a presidential candidate who looks like her .

  21. 周二得克萨斯州初选的胜利对罗姆尼来说是一个具有象征意义的里程碑,给始于1月3日艾奥瓦州初选、历时五个月的征程划上了句号。

    Tuesday 's victory in Texas marks a symbolic milestone for Mr. Romney , capping a five-month journey that began with the Jan. 3 caucuses in Iowa .

  22. 艾奥瓦州从农业繁荣中获益匪浅,但其较为老旧的制造企业,正面临着与夕阳工业区同行们一样的问题。

    Iowa has benefited from the agricultural boom , but some of its older manufacturing businesses are suffering from the same problems as their counterparts in the rustbelt .

  23. 当一名艾奥瓦州的小女孩看到一名长得像她的总统候选人会作何感想当一名小女孩

    Think about what it means to a young girl in Iowa when she sees a presidential candidate who looks like her Think about what it means to a young girl .

  24. 全球多数地区正面临着经济下滑的困境,但印第安纳州的哥伦布、田纳西州的金斯波特和艾奥瓦州的滑铁卢的生活却蒸蒸日上。

    Much of the world may be struggling with the economic downturn , but life has been getting better in Columbus , Ind. , Kingsport , Tenn. , and Waterloo , Iowa .

  25. 应该怎样看待奥巴马的胜利呢?让我们回顾2007年奥巴马在艾奥瓦州议会脱颖而出时,两位著名的政治评论家对奥巴马的评价。

    To express how I feel about Obama 's victory , let me look back to what two prominent political commentators said back when Obama took the Iowa caucus by surprise in2007 .

  26. 当被问及如果发生意外,希望谁来抚养他们的孩子时,44%的人选择了“艾奥瓦州的一对善良夫妇”,超过了选择演员和名人家庭的比例。

    Asked who they would like to raise their children if something were to happen to them , 44 percent chose " some nice couple from Iowa " over various actor and celebrity couples .

  27. 带着一件礼物&一个新的柳条睡篮,还有一张写着“很高兴成为帮助斯努皮与家人团圆的接力传送队的一员”的便条,小狗从内布拉斯加州来到了艾奥瓦州。

    With a gift of a new wicker sleeping basket and a note " Happy to be part of the chain reuniting Snoopy with her family ," Nebraska passed the little dog on to Iowa .

  28. 1月3日标志着美国投票季的开始,艾奥瓦州选民在这一天率先进行初选投票。不过,时装设计师们为这一刻已经准备了许久。

    Next week marks the beginning of US voting season , as Iowans go to the polls in the first state primary contest , but designer have been preparing for this moment for a long time .

  29. 巴迪是来自艾奥瓦州安科尼市的乔治?杜波伊斯和妻子辛蒂的爱犬。

    " He doesn 't have a good stamina to him * he 's been laying around all winter ," said George DuBois from Ankeny , Iowa , who owns Buddy with his wife , Cindy .

  30. 毫无疑问,桑托勒姆的足迹更广,单是艾奥瓦州他就去了那里的99个县,而我只是经常往来于新泽西州的一个小镇与曼哈顿之间,通常还是慢悠悠的。

    To be sure , Mr Santorum has been travelling more widely , visiting 99 counties in Iowa alone , while I have ventured repeatedly from one town in New Jersey to Manhattan and back , often very slowly .