
  • 网络Synthetic biology
  1. 用理论方法及基于生物工程技术和合成生物学中研究成果的方法,建立调控网络Circuit的可计算模型的标准和数据库也在不断发展中。

    Some promising processes in building computable circuit models of regulatory networks through engineering and synthetic biology methods have been published recently .

  2. 合成生物学通常是合成一个可供植入的DNA,同时具有可以超出自然界中已有基因范围的灵活性。

    Synthetic biology typically involves synthesizing the DNA to be inserted , providing the flexibility to go beyond the genes found in nature .

  3. DrewEndy是合成生物学中最激进的精神领袖之一。

    One of synthetic biology 's most radical spirits is Drew Endy .

  4. 例如,恩迪教授与ETC集团展开了公开辩论。加州大学伯克利分校将公众参与列为合成生物学中心的一个正式组成部分。

    Prof Endy , for instance , has held an open debate with ETC. The University of California , Berkeley , has made public engagement a formal part of its synthetic biology centre .

  5. 除传统将CO2用于尿素、水杨酸和甲醇等的生产外,还包括将CO2转化为燃料、用于生产高性能聚合物和利用合成生物学开发生物燃料。

    Apart from the raw material for urea , salicylic acid and methanol traditionally , CO2 is also used as the raw material for fuels , performance polymer and biofuels developed with synthetic biology .

  6. 当今询问合成生物学的应用,就如同在1952年向冯诺依曼(J.vonNeumann)[计算机先驱]询问计算机的应用一样。

    To ask about the applications of synthetic biology today is like asking Von Neumann [ the computing pioneer ] in 1952 what the applications of computers would be .

  7. 去年5月,美国人类基因组学先锋兼企业家克雷格•文特尔(CraigVenter)宣布制造出了第一种人造生命,当时合成生物学成为了头条新闻。

    Synthetic biology hit the headlines in May last year when Craig Venter , the US human genome pioneer and entrepreneur , announced the first artificial life form .

  8. 合成生物学在医药领域的领先展示,是由非赢利公司oneworldhealth资助,已在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(universityofcalifornia,berkeley)进行了5年的项目。

    The leading demonstration of synthetic biology in medicine has been under way for five years at the University of California , Berkeley , under the auspices of oneworld health , a non-profit company that develops drugs for neglected infectious diseases .

  9. 在我的UCSB实验室发展出的这一研究计划,旨在为医学与合成生物学作出积极的贡献。

    The research program developed in my lab at UCSB aims at contributing in a positive way to medicine and synthetic biology .

  10. 华盛顿伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心(WoodrowWilsonCenter)的高级研究助理托德·库伊肯(ToddKuiken)对合成生物学和DIY运动都进行过研究,他称发光植物工程是一个理想的实验案例。

    Todd Kuiken , senior research associate at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington , who has been studying the governance of both synthetic biology and the do-it-yourself movement , said the glowing plant project was an ideal test case .

  11. 因此Keasling博士说服了盖茨基金资助他用合成生物学来完成这个任务。

    So Dr Keasling persuaded the Gates Foundation to back his idea for doing the job using synthetic biology .

  12. 这十分有趣,因为Venter博士一直认为合成生物学是新能源技术的来源之一,这个观点也得到了美国能源部的支持。

    That is of particular interest , since Dr Venter sees synthetic biology as a source of new energy-generating technologies & and he has the backing of America 's Department of Energy to prove the point .

  13. 他们为这个婴儿起名为“合成生物学”。

    They have dubbed their fledgling discipline " synthetic biology " .

  14. 合成生物学研究是个新兴而颇具前景的研究领域。

    The emerging field of synthetic biology is of great potential .

  15. 同时,概要地指出了合成生物学的发展前景。

    Furthermore , the progress of synthetic biology was discussed .

  16. 为制造生命辩护&有关合成生物学的伦理争论

    A Justification for Making Life & The Ethical Arguments on Synthetic Biology

  17. 合成生物学

    Synthetic biology Studies on The Synthesis of Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone

  18. 利用合成生物学,你能做一些相当优雅的事情。

    Well , with synthetic biology you can do some pretty neat things .

  19. 合成生物学公司分为两类。

    Synthetic biology companies fall into two categories .

  20. 合成生物学近年来发展迅速,引发各界的广泛关注。

    Synthetic biology has developed very rapidly in recent years , and aroused great concerns .

  21. 合成生物学的另外一个目标就是制造纤维素乙醇。

    One goal of synthetic biology is to make what is known as cellulosic ethanol .

  22. 这是这家位于弗吉尼亚州布莱克斯堡的合成生物学公司的第二轮融资。

    This is a series e round for the Blacksburg , Va. - based synthetic biology company .

  23. 合成生物学的一个特点,是恩迪教授这样的工程师所发挥的核心作用。

    A feature of synthetic biology is the core role played by engineers such as Professor Endy .

  24. 为了防止有人利用合成生物学技术犯罪,合成生物学技术的使用应该受到限制。

    The use of synthetic biology should be restricted since it may be utilized to commit crime .

  25. 技术都是有风险的,但是合成生物学却可能成为培育错误的温床。

    No technology is risk free , but synthetic biology has the twist that its mistakes can breed .

  26. 他们一起研究合成生物学和艺术,并把研究结果应用到设计中。

    Together , they conduct research addressing synthetic biology and art , and apply the results to design .

  27. 第二类也是更多样的一类,致力于合成生物学的应用生物燃料是最热门的领域。

    The second and more varied group is working to apply synthetic biology with biofuels the most popular field .

  28. 蛋白质和底物分子识别特异性的设计、改进和综合应用在蛋白质工程和合成生物学中备受关注。

    The design , improvement and application of the specific recognition are well concerned in protein engineering and synthetic biology .

  29. 生物燃料可能是商用合成生物学最显眼的一角,但大量其它用途也很诱人。

    Biofuels may be the most visible tip of commercial synthetic biology but a vast number of other applications beckon .

  30. 除了大量的医学应用外,人们对于通过合成生物学生产新型生物燃料相当振奋。

    Besides a host of medical applications , there is much excitement about the prospects for producing new biofuels through synthetic biology .